Matthew was incredible in this movie. He deserves every bit of praise he's gotten. Just now watched this movie today. I regret waiting so long to finally see it.
This man deserved 2 Oscars for the same role! He was that amazing!
1:14 i love the way the dr. Just nonchalantly responds "yeah"
He didn't just test positive for HIV. They were telling him that he had AIDS. He was in the late stage of the disease.
He was so good in this movie
Matthew is an incredible actor one of the best
You never forget the call, I'm positive you need to get tested 1987 took two weeks to get my results. I was negative. Lost a lot of great friend.
I love this movie it always makes me cry how hard he fought for his life great movie!!
It's amazing how the mind/body/spirit all work in tandem. I was detoxing from benzos back in November and got sick and was sure I had meningitis or something awful. I went to the doctor and they did blood tests and told me that I'm very healthy and if I stop abusing prescription drugs I will continue to be and that I should focus on positive things and low stress and take care of myself.
One of my favorite movies and Matthew McConaughey was just amazing in it 🙏🏼
There was a show on PBS about Angola (West Africa) where a young (20's) couple were interviewed in the same scenario. The husband had been a soldier and frequented brothels. HIV is rampant in this country and it's long civil war has made transition fluid. The wife ended being infected by her husband. To see, in REAL time, the doctor tell them the results was one of the most sobering experience I've ever seen.. 💀
One of the best scenes in a flawless film 💯💯💯 I've literally seen this movie over a hundred times!! It changed my perspective on life unlike any other film I've seen before.......if u wanna know how just ask me and we'll talk!
I'm 61 years old and was diagnosed with HIV. when I was 28. I've had cancer. Did the chemo radiation. and lots of surgeries. that had nothing to do with the HIV. after the chemo and the radiation and the surgeries. To make a long story short, they took out over half my stomach The bottom third of my throat and reconnected it with a piece of my colon. I'm cancer free and alive but my body is definitely changed. My blood count has been. low all the time. I'm undetectable. My T cell count is 150.
As someone who also tested positive for HIV, I approve of this video.
This was an eye opening movie. Yes he did a great job acting in this …. Hard to see him so thin though
Bless you, Matthew. Always shocking news to get.
a great film remembering a man who helped many others
Ive been quoting this for the past 12 years. What a legend.
He played his ass off in this movie I hope he got an Oscar for this movie..he had to lose so much weight