Up the volume, I can almost hear you.
bro is doing shorts with Lateralus in the background, kinda based ngl
If the musics too loud your spinal erectors are too small
There was the faint sound of talking in this music video/deadlifting highlight reel
man i really couldn't hear the music
That was some of the most impressive back hair I’ve ever seen. Tool is cool but a bit distracting.
Pencilnecks are fuming rn
Since it wasn't explicitly mentioned... Don't start doing this with your regular deadlift weight. Find your entry level and work back up from there.
I'm a Dachshund with long legs. For real tho, the bar hits my balls every time I lockout a deadlift.
This fixed my deadlift plateau of years, I would never make progress on it because my back would get injured even though I mostly lifted with a neutral back... What I think causes the most injury is losing position (there are studies on this iirc), so if you force a neutral back and can't sustain it, having it change midlift to a position you are not strenghtening yourself in makes you vulnerable
Best lateralis edit ever. Yeah now I’m going to PR to that intro LETS GET IT!
Another guy in my gym does DLs, in the bottom position his knee meets the middle of his forearm, I look at myself & my knee meets my bicep. I suddenly understood what you meant with having short arms.
That’s awesome, I just incorporated the behind the back deadlift. Awkward lifts can make you crazy strong 💪
As I am a long spine guy I gave this a try and recorded my deadlifts. So the one with the strict upper back there was a noticeable hitch around the knees (as I had to get my knees out of the way before my lift could continue). But even with a slight round my pull was great, back and legs driving at exactly the same time with no hitch whatsoever. Just smooth. It's crazy how it felt like I was rounding my upper back like crazy but was probably only 1.5 inches lower when rounded.
making your voice relatively quiet so people have to blast a tool song is goated
Completely agree Controlled slight spinal flexion is fine to do, unless you coil in, literally using one segment, just one or two vertebrae which would take all the beating
I’ve just discovered letting my back round to stop the SI joint pain!
I always thought this too. Glad you think so as well
I feel this. Been doing mma and wrestling for years. And rounding happens all the time. Then i started deadlifting whit "perfect" form and just like that i started having back problems. Somting i had never felt before