Love your talk! I don’t understand at all that people listen to Copeland ánd give him their money. Listening from the Netherlands.
Thanks for your boldness.
Watching from Illinois! Copeland has always given me the creeps. He makes evil contorted faces and hisses like a snake when he is "prophesying". Ick.
The whole church knew Joni was pregnant when he “prophecied” the baby would be healthy. It really rocked a lot of us. I can only imagine the same was felt when he spoke to mother Parsley. She was sick for a while before she died. It’s “ministers” like this that make true Christians look bad. Also, if you listen closely you can hear RP growling while he’s speaking to him. I was there, I was in the choir and this was a very biz at service.
He's sounds crazier and crazier as the recording goes on. Even HE doesn't know what he's talking about
Copeland is a warlock in my honest opinion
Love your impressions of Kenneth Copeland. Can you do Rod ? Love your podcast. Keep up the great work.
I appreciate all the research that you do! ❤ Lord, give us discernment. 🙏
3? Every time he opens his sewer (mouth), he speaks falsely. What a deceiver he is it's all about what he can put into his pocket.
I just watched this today I felt physically nauseous and had a headache as I listened to Kenneth Copeland. I started following you and a couple of others in the last few months,and I've noticed at times that I've become nauseated listening to them. Joni Lamb for one,when I listened to her berating her son and all the twisted lies since then. Is anyone else experiencing this? I believe that without a doubt,God is exposing the false teachers,etc. Thank you for sharing all this info with us.
Thank you Lord for DISERNMENT! Keep us on the narrow road! Expose these wolves!
And the money will pour in from those that want that same "annointing" God help us!!!
Kenneth Copeland is so deceived! Allowing him to keep deceiving others is shameful! So call them out! Warn everyone who will listen!
Man, Kenny C thinks very very highly of himself. He is nothing but a showman and as a result is leading a tremendous amount of people down the wrong path. He loves to be the center of attention while all his enablers in the audience bow down to him. They spend so much time praising each other in this movement they forget about the lord himself. I didn't hear Jesus mentioned at all.
watching from the great state of Alaska thank you so much for shining a light in the darkness !! God bless you and your ministry!
No, he hasn't, and when he's confronted, he gets "ANGRY"
Listening from Hamilton, Ohio! Love your content & discernment. I’ve seen so, SO much of this foolishness in my 65 yrs! Hard to watch now! 😢
He never owns up to lying. He acts like it never happened and continues lying.
I believe his daughter Kelly, her daughters daughter drowned in pool a few years back. I think Gloria has brain injury and he has pacemaker