I remember reading pieces of the Jedi book that went into what is expected and how they live. From what I remember when there’s nothing to do they are encouraged to meditate for hours on end. Even if they were standing outside waiting for class to start. Something like that will ensure they’re in a constant state of tranquility and calm even in the midst of chaos
The jedi may not have thought of themselves as a military force, but the well regimented training is very similar in many ways to any military.
I'd probably practice with my Saber and learn about galactic culture at the brothel 😂
I both baffled & entertained by how deep many go into thinking & creating ideas for imaginary characters & stories. Crazy & Fun ;)
I would be resistant to such a militaristic regiment, but it once again makes me wonder what kind of Jedi I would be. I love martial arts, and interacting with the public would be good, but I love the spiritual aspect of the force, and both healing and diplomacy are needed in both times of peace and war. So Guardian or Consular is up in the air. Sentinel is nice, getting to pretend to be a normal guy and interacting with society, but there is the issue of keeping secrets from everyone like a real life secret agent would.
8:06 Obi-Wan and Anakin have this banter line in battlefront 2: Anakin: “At this rate none of us will make it home for dinner.” Obi-Wan: “Well, this battle scares me less than the food at the Jedi temple.”
It's kind of a massive indictment of the Jedi Order that the phrasing "what did they do when there were no injustices to correct" exists. The galaxy is full of quadrillions of sentients. Throw a rock and you'll hit an injustice (and possibly cause one). The only way in which "injustice is not currently taking place" can be defended is if you look to the political designations of injustice from a Senate who is itself complicit in a great deal of the injustices in question.
Prolly chillin I’m guessing rn
If I was a Jedi & I had spare time I would mainly be studying the deeper aspects of the force , doing a lot of physical exercise training , a whole lot of random galaxy travelling on my personal small ship & a whole load of sleeping 😆👏🏾✅.
Obi lives in England with Gandalf and a guy named Charlie. 😂
Actually sounds nice lol! Wouldn’t like the actual wars but the daily life of eating healthy, exercising and having a lot of alone time but still being around others sounds great lol! Being on the spectrum this is kinda how I live now only I do yoga (no saber training lol) and don’t eat as healthy as a Jedi lol!
We've seen, apparently, even Droids have down time. Seems to me they socialized in their own cliques, or hung out in they own canteena/sports bar of sorts, or LITERALLY hit the gym or meditation chambers if not some classroom... according to narrated. Unless the plot cam was focused on them then apparently they forgo laundry day to pursue the plot
Yep. The Jedi seem VERY militaristic. The one difference I recognize is that they do breakfast BEFORE training. The food, however, seems similar. We'd get slop of some kind that had all of the necessary nutrients, but didn't taste very good.
A sith series would be awesome they could start with Bane and continue all the way through to Palpatine being an apprentice
If I were a Jedi, I would spend most of my spare time watching and sharing videos on JediTube.
It’s noteworthy to say that not all jedi guardians and consulars stuck to their typical lightsaber color. Jedi like Windu, is a guardian but has purple. Jocasta Nu has a blue blade, but is a consular. It’s very rare they ever change their color but that’s what it is.
The stupendous wave the video you made about the force priestesses about them being even much more stronger and powerful than the Mortis gods is fact and true true because they are immortal and eternal they can’t be killed or destroyed, but the mortis gods including abeloth can
As a USAF Vet that was in between 2009 and 2012 and was medically discharged, it sounds like how the "Basic Training" at Lackland AFB was.
Dude you're cranking out the vids, keep em ' comin!!! 🤘🤘