
25 years and it didn't aged a second. This is the purest definition of Dance Music.


The lyrics really do touch my heart


I been looking for this son for over 5 years finally I found the full version so coooool


This is a big tune if you remember the rave scene in the 90s, and lived it.  I love every single one of you that made that decade absolutely magical for me.  Thank you forever!


I’ve been trying to remember this song for the past 10 years, I’m so happy I finally found it again 😢


I love that this has kinda made a comeback in shorts/reels/etc.


His lyrics still hold true till now. I'm touched by the meaning of his lyrics.


I was 10 when when i saw this on MTV  , now i am 36 never stoped listening  .......what a song !!!!


It's unbelievable that this little gem is almost 25 years old and I still hear it from childhood and pure nostalgia


Even if you don't like this style of music you gotta appreciate the creativity. This is unlike anything I ever heard and sounds timeless.


I haven't been able to find this song for fifteen years.  My childhood thanks you.


❤2025 y aquí estamos con este hit- todo poderoso🎉


The Italian scene in the late 90s was so defining for the next 25 years of EDM and house, it's unbelievable


This one never gets old! Still hits just as hard as it did back in the day. It’s amazing how this song still feels so fresh even after all these years. A true classic!:face-red-heart-shape:


This banger was our pre-party song when I was 18. It was a boiling hot summer in France that year. When we went to the clubs and no matter where it was in Paris or in its suburb, we heard it at least 2-3 more times. Bring back great memories.


Anyone in 2025?


Holy crap the sound on this recording is amazing. I literally thought I had it on my speakers with my air pods in 😅 it’s like I’m at the concert and I love it haha


Dang, over 10 years trying to found this song and finally. 
Im a happy man


After all this years...I still come back to enjoy such deep lyrics


Du vieux son qui nous fait toujours plaisir à écouter 😅