
One thing I love about the create mod is that when you make a factory, you realise you need to make another factory to have the original factory work, normally this continues and eventually you become 1880s London just so you can build a burger factory.


I love the fact that whenever Shalz builds something the music is synced with the placement. Keep it up Shalz


this series is honestly the best minecraft content on youtube right now


YEEEES, FINALY, bro, this videos just make my chair more comfortable and the food tastier


Its fun to see how shalz is getting better and better at both create and YouTube, it's great that you are here on the platform and i want you to never leave. 

From one sweed to another stay positive and never burn yourself out!


love the block placing edits when in a building montage. Very clean


6:17 congrats on the editor for that incredible sync


13:15 really great factory! You’ve Lilly already heard this but if you place chutes on top of fans it transports the items up.


I like trains (train sound)


I love how during the speedbuild segments with music, you do it in sync with the music, it's incredibly satisfying.


Nobody, Shalz: I have a wood problem. Proceeds to make everything out of wood.


6:56 Bro I got PTSD for those few seconds.

Edit: This series is the BEST. I love it!


For a tree farm I use redstone contacts at the beginning and end of a gantry with deployers and saws with a single channel in the middle breaking placed logs below the trees. 1 saw, 1 deployer for the center channel, and 1 deployer for each row that can be as long as you want. Best part, the deployers are underground, so it’s practically invisible. The redstone contacts automatically flick a toggle lever on a gearshift, a storage interface pulls out everything because it places the proxy logs and saplings on the back-stroke.


This is probably the best series on YouTube. Your editing is amazing, humor is amazing, Create builds are amazing everything is just perfect. I hope this series never ends.


legendary video 💜 still love this series


Pro tip: if your not worried about resources, you can run a empty blueprint on the cannon to clear out a big space. It may be slow but it’s useful to run in the background.


I love how your build actions are synced to music. I am sure that takes forever, very well done.


Okay. The editing is so amazing. The way the construction blends with the beat of the music. Please man keep it up, your enthusiasm is perfect for the unlimited potential of Mincraft create.


The episodes are quite short but the amount of stuff you do in the episode, It's just so fun to watch.


I love how in every episode shalz makes plans to do something and the gets completely sidetracked for most of the episode