Aaaaahh my soul taking off to another dimension with every second of this song... Thank you so much for SO MUCH, Fred. Your music is healing.
I love this music. I sincerely hope that you publish this song. Thank you very much for creating these themes.
I've never felt more creativity than when listening to Fred Again... I truly can't explain it. Its like a 5 to a 75 level.
this snippet has been giving me life, literally rewatched it a good 30 times by now, there's just something so moving about it
Bruh i need to hear the full track now cause this is crazy
Feels like a Moby track!
Amazing 🤩 high five Fred again,,,,Fred is the friend we always need in our lives to pick us up when where down,,,god bless this superstar DJ 🙏😊 love and respect to all xxx
I've rewatched this so many times😭😭😂
I have a great appreciation for the number of candles on the table.
Legend ❤❤❤
OMG Fred you have add to your collection of master pieces
So amazing genuinely 🙌
Amazing, drop it please ❤
Love your music
This is the only guy who has more rythm than the guy who has no rythm in Phineas and ferb
Fred’s an alien how does he create music so easy fries my brain 😅
Release it Fred!❤❤
Infinite vibe , love you fred
Just simply amazing 🤯