The best part about Larue isn’t a product—it’s Mark’s one-man conquest to win every single argument on the internet.
“You will Larue the day” had me weak. 😂
Hop: "I'm going to buy every product this company sells!" Company: *shuts down*
The upcoming 'full Larue' build is what makes it worth contributing to this channel.
7:48 "Mark my words, you will LaRue the day you crossed me" Holy shit
People on the internet: I can't understand why LaRue makes these weird meme products. Also people on the internet: hell yes, I'm absolutely getting this weird meme product.
The ‘el-jefe’ rifle looks like it was designed by the same company that made the folding aluminum table in my basement.
Funny that you should make this video. I had been a long time buyer of LaRue products and had written many positive reviews on his website. One time though, I wrote a tongue-in-cheek review of a product, (it was still a 5 armadillo review), where I was upset that I didn't get a jar of "Dillo Dust." In the review, I jokingly said that was the reason I buy LaRue products. Five minutes after posting, the review was wiped from the site and later I learned that all my reviews were MIA. Someone couldn't take a joke.
Mark LaRue blocks anyone critical on Twitter....dude hates customers.
Bless him for not selling to tyrannical governments
I was a MASSIVE LaRue fan girl for the last 15 years. The dillo dust was awesome and it's just so nice to get little freebies with your order. I bought a bunch of stuff from them over the years because the prices were fantastic, the quality was unbeatable and of course the freebies added a big dash of fun. You always anticipated your LaRue package because you never knew what goodies would be in it. Then the dillo dust dried up and blew away. Each new package had less and less freebies until there were none. Then the prices skyrocketed and the joy is gone. Now they are just another high end AR part provider in a long list of similar companies. The magic has disappeared and I've moved on. LaRue still offers fantastic parts but so do lots of other companies.
From the future: It turns out Hop loves the accurizer, he sings its praises in a video, and LaRue promptly discontinues it. Hop then claims he never really loved it, it was just a LaRuse to get it discontinued…
Anytime something starts with "lemme tell you a story about mark larue" you know its going to be good
LOL, Hop is literally a moving death note.
Bought a geissele trigger first and loved it. Built a new rifle and needed a new trigger. Bought a LaRue trigger for fun. I’ve never felt more ripped off that realizing I could have bought a LaRue and got basically a slightly better geissele trigger for half the cost.
I am a big fan of Larue. Everything I’ve owned from them has been flawless in function and stupid accurate. Mark is kind of an Alex Jones personality in the gun world. There’s always some level of drama and some of his products are definitely troll level kit, which I applaud.
What I got out of this video: If I start an AR parts company all I have to do is holdout till Hop mentions it then I can double the prices.
Geissele releasing rails that were clearly designed for 5 axis machining, then cut on a 3 axis mill instead and then calling the horribly ugly scallops "advanced 3D machining" will never not be funny to me.
This is a fantastic breakdown of my favorite soap opera