A fantastic multi-genre artist! Get Inspired makes me get up and hop around.
Pretty great that he picked up a board game.
Love Genny Wu. Super fun musician to see live and love his work so much.
One of my favorite new artists to come along in a while!!
someone else who appreciates All The Critics yes!
WHAT!? I literally just heard your song “leaving the light” on my favorite North Texas radio station this morning 😮 the universe is full of awesome coincidences ✨😊 I loved hearing about what music inspired you I feel so blessed because I really needed new artists and music in my arsenal for this new phase of my life, literally woke up this morning craving new music so thank you so much!! New fan ❤❤❤❤
Struggler is my favorite album of the year. Its incredible, Genesis.❤
Since SWNT came out Genny Wu has genuinely become one of my favourite artists, if anyone hasn't listened or you know someone who hasn't, bless their ears with Genny Wu's amazing tunes Seeing him at Sydney tomorrow, LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOOOOO
Awesome to see this lad doing well.
All of his picks were fantastic and down to earth, a very good guy
I wanna see him live so bad! Come back to Germany!
One of my favorite artists is also a Catan fan, amazing
He covers Psycho Killer with The Chats. Pretty cool.
Akira. Prince. Kendrick. My man Kofi packing nothing but iconic heat.
Uh oh he is taking Catan with him, he means business! Cool picks, def released one of the best albums this year as well!
LOVE Fantastic planet!! Surprised it doesn’t get talked about much these days
smiling with no teeth deserves more love
I went to Grammar school with a Genesis Owusu and if this is the same guy then thats incredible