
Request: A,F,N,Q,R, at Jay Street, then for the second half, 4 and 5 at borough hall (just last year). This was when The A's last stop was Jay St, the 2, 3 and C were not running to Brooklyn, and the N and Q were running on the R. Craziest weekend by far. Keep the amazing vids coming!


It’s sad for people to watch and not like, always your vids are interesting


Excellent video of all the different equipment on each line.


Sweet! πŸ‘πŸ»


Are you going to do some Openbve post 9/11 ?




Request: Bergen Street (GG, F) 1974


Door problem again


If this anticipated to be after 9/11 there should be the J train present in this video.


A double r train In the new year?


Do subway trains put 1 Bottle of shampoo, 1 Bar of soap, 1 Bottle of hand sanitizer,1 bottle of  Laundry Detergent,1 bottle of shaving cream, 1 pack of shower Rings, 1 Bottle of Ajax powder, Lysol spray, Glade spray, Disinfection spray, 1 Bag of Cotton Balls, Gain Dryer sheets, Spinc and span spray, Fantastico liquid, Plumber, Tide pods, 2 Rolls of Toilet Paper, Duster,  container Full of Hair Combs, Hairbrushes, 1 pack of Rubber bands, Bobbles, Hair clips, bobby pins, Hair curlers, Hair spray, gel, Greece, Blow Dryer, Curly Iron, Towels, Face wash soap, Razor, Wash Rags, Picture, Betrayal pills,Tylenol pills,  1 Plastic Bag Full of Bandages square bag of Wipes,  
Pink Brush, Hand Sanitizer spray, purell Wipes, Clean product Wipes, 1 Bottle of Nose spray, Square box of wipes, 1 Container of ToothBrushes, and 1 Tooth Paste, 1 Bottle of Dish Soap,


Lines Of Dekalb Ave Station
BMT Brighton Line 🟠🟑 (🟀) 2001
BMT 4th Ave Line 🟠🟑🟑🟀 1973-2010