The problem w the 2020 election was the changes in procedure made by administration and judges were unconstitutional changes. The constitution says the assembly of the state dictates time place and manner. When judges waive signature verification add mail in ballots for unspecified reasons stop and start counts prevent observers from opposing parties etc what you get are INVALID ballots . This happened in 6 states that matter. The Supreme Court refused to hear the case from Texas and 25 other states against Pennsylvania. The GA Supreme Court which under the GA constitution had 2 weeks to hear the case. Refused to hear the case. After the fact Wisconsin Supreme Court declared 175000 mail in ballots invalid a year later. There was no signature matching in Fulton county GA or Clark county NV. The list of invalid processes goes on and on.
I'm unsure if this was mentioned but Trump had requested there to be additional security there, days before the event. Nancy Pelosi denied that aid along with Mayor Bowser of D.C. at the time. Did Nancy Pelosi or members of our own establishment seek this event?
Sometimes Dr. Richards is not very articulate. This is a good example. Not much "scientific" insight or reflection in this clip.
Ya, 26 federal informants in the crowd, one named Ray Epps who’s on video saying “we need to go in the Capitol”. Come on now.
“ It’s not even a question for me, man” There is the problem. We should question everything with an open mind.
Love the videos. Not sure I totally agree with this. There are 2 reasons. When you look at the overall voting totals and participation in all the elections since 2000, one year has a very large number of votes compared to the other elections. Voting laws were changed for Covid. Total votes were 134 ish million votes in 2016 and 157 million votes in 2020 and then back down 151 ish million for 2024. Historically, this has been more of a logarithmic graph linked primarily on the population because the percentage of people that vote is pretty constant. Also, if the building was not opened and people didn't trespass into the government building, would this have met the level for an insurrection? It would have been a peaceful protest. I guess that means you believe that BLM group as well as others like Antifa are responsible for inciting riots and looting then? I mean we have to apply our views equally. Just another opinion.
The amount of trust me bro is astonishing.
Someone needs to read a legal statements like the folks from the view
Not your most articulate argument professor. And a “hot-mic” moment shouldn’t be defining at all. Guys say all kind of foul stuff among friends when in private, much of it exaggerated and in jest. Weird tangent to go off of for a Jan 6 analysis. Also, what about suppression of Hunter Biden story? Can you not see in hindsight how upsetting that would be? New York Post is not fake news
Having been in prison I understand what inciting a riot means. Trump did not come close to the legal definition. An insurrection takes time and planning. We have seen insurrection. Winning our independence was one . The civil war was the second. There is no comparison between those and jan 6th. This is one of the reasons I don't like this class. The professor is showing bias and inserting opinion instead of fact.
How can Trump responsible for what others did on Jan 6?
The discussion around Trump’s hot mic comment about women makes me wonder if he’s too young to remember Bill Clinton.
The professor is completely delusional! All anyone has to do is listen to the whole speech! SMH!!
If you watch the hours of segments Sam has posted, you will find specific arguments to refute everything he says in this video. Actions speak louder than words. T had the Department of Justice gunning for him for over 6 years. This is one of the most disappointing posts I have ever seen. Shame on you Sam.
The FBI was responsible.
Go home with love in your hearts, and for those going to the capital, do it peacefully and patriotically and let your voices be heard. Case closed. Not guilty.
I think it's a mistake for a sociology professor to presume to understand the political machinations of January 6th and forward. The institutions of higher education are failing, yes, because of corruption, but also because of hubris. To be fair, it was his opinion that was asked for and he's entitled to have one, but this is little better than asking a celebrity. His opinion on political matters has similar weight.
This is horrible. No wonder the liberal school are going down the drain.
Sam often complains about Trump saying he could "grab them by the [p word]". Transparency is a virtue. Trump was being good.