
It is so important that we don't forget. Those who forget past, are doomed to repeat it.


I hope everyone is watching. I’m ashamed to say that wwII and things happening today are staring to mirror, I pray I am wrong.




I made a video about this topic a couple years ago.  It boils down to a few key things 
1. The loss of freedom in a society 
2. No independent state of Israel to defend the Jewish people 
3.  The silence of good people 
4. The way people just followed orders see the milligram experiment 

There are of course several other reasons aa well.


super great video and well explained!!


"Never again" was the call in 1945, but see what's now shamefully happening in countries from which men and women fought and died to end the regime which perpetrated the Shoah . . .


For your next video can you please talk about Berek Josielewicz


Why does the thumbnail change every hour


Your videos are absolutely outstanding.


Very Good. Keep it up Unpacked Team.


Bold of y’all to post this now


Holodomor needs more attention. Holocaust history is shady


There were two elections in 1932 in Germany.  In the Nov-‘32 election the N@zi vote fell by 2 million from the Jul-‘32 election and, significantly, its vote was now lower than the combined vote of the social-democrats (SPD) and communists (KPD).

This is rarely reported because it runs against the standard narrative that agrees with the N@zi mythology that Hitler’s government represented the “will” of the German people.  This video tacitly repeats this standard myth. 

It is notable that this video makes no mention of the use of force, violence and terror against the KPD and SPD. Anyone who opposed the new government faced concentration camps in 1933. 

But the greatest absence is that the leaderships of both those “socialist” parties passively capitulated to Hitler’s regime despite a widespread anti-fascist sentiment.  The SPD even used the fatalist slogan “After Hitler, we come” (“Nach HItler, Kommen Wir”) and as late as April 1, 1933 (after the KPD had been made illegal) the Comintern said 
  “The establishment of an open Fascist dictatorship, which destroys all democratic illusions among the masses, and frees them from the influence of the social-democrats, will hasten Germany's progress towards the proletarian revolution.”
[Twilight of the Comintern (EH Carr) p.90]

Stalin instead sought friendly relations with the new government in Berlin and said the repression of the KPD was not a barrier to this! 

It is urgent that these matters are studied in detail and the lessons learned. 

The following on the WSWS is essential reading:
The Myth of “Ordinary Germans”: A Review of Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners
David North 11 April 1997


The original author of the "stab in the back" was Erich Ludendorff, the man actually responsible for Germany's WW1 economic meltdown.  The man was a mere Colonel in 1914, with military education and perception at the level of Colonel.  In about 36 months he was the de facto dictator of Germany and was completely out of his depth in every respect.  His disastrous "Hindenburg program" for the industrial war effort is responsible for the economic failure he called the "stab in the back".  Add that to his equally disastrous strategy of unrestricted submarine warfare and his 1918 offensives and you have the man most responsible for the Treaty of Versailles.  Oddly enough, the N@zis took a lot of his "total war" ideas and re-used them to catastrophic criminal effect.  He doesn't get enough recognition for the massive permanent damage he did to Germany.


The fact that i’m watching this as trump is now president and history is repeating itself


now use the frog analogy with palestine


"You and I know what children must learn. Those to whom evil is done, will do evil in return" - W.H. Auden


Some of that footage was from the film Schindler’s List.


Great video. Never again for ANYONE


Holocaust is the most horrible thing human being has done to one another and it should never happen again.
Regarding that frog analogy.
I just saw a tiktok of this probably Chinese lady ( because the description was in Chinese letters) frying frog alive.
This analogy made me remember that and I almost puked. 
I am not trying to lessen the suffering of Jewish people during Holocaust by bringing up this anecdote. 
If I offended anyone, I apologize.