
Muskrat already is, remember when he shut off starlink leaving a US ally in the dark? Ukraine remembers..


This is the most disturbing timeline.


The only complicit player in this war from the USA 🇺🇸 standpoint, is Mr Trump!


Tim Miller, you're doing all you can in difficult times.


Dear Bulwark guys, PLEASE inform your considerably large audience about the march/protest that will take place this
Friday, 14th of March, Washington DC. 
Contribute to making it huge; encourage your audience to assist! 

It is organized by the 5050.1 movement, veterans, and the 14th NowMarch movement, and they are hoping it will be forcefully and peacefully MASSIVE.


Guess who's a war criminal now 🍊


It does make us complicit, and that weighs heavy on my heart. I voted Blue, but that doesn’t really matter if now I sit still and do nothing. Complicity is shared now that the damage is done, with much more to come. We must do everything we can to mitigate the effects from this administration’s purposeful alignment with dictators.


Does that mean Trump is getting a visit from Interpol and heading to The Hague?  Please?


Nuremberg Trials!


So very true!


Well now we know why the USA doesn't reckocnise the court in the Hague.


I thought that person had been on a list for war crimes and he was supposed to be arrested if you ever left Russia what did Trump do resend that order also


War criminals all…Yet no repercussions…


True story




I am NOT complicit. I will NOT fight for ambassador trump!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth and to hope."


Like the Israeli army does? Looking at Gaza today there is no way their bombing was in any way discriminating.


If you're American and only now worried about being complicit in war crimes, that ship sailed a long time ago.


We’ve failed -at least temporarily-at limiting war criminals in Ukraine or Israel.