
Im 43 years old, my children whom is 17 years old and 15 years old love listening to her songs, pure brilliance,  once in a life time excellent singer


I only can hope and pray that Karen knew how much happiness and love she brought to others and how much she was and is still loved and so dearly missed. Oh I wish I could turn back the hands of time. Rest in peace Karen…. You’ll always be loved and never forgotten.


This Carpenters collection appeared last night right out of the blue. Started playing all by itself. Although I have real bad internet connection, i can listen to it from beginning to end flawlessly.
Somebody made me a fantastic xmas present there. Thank you ❤️ GB


Long live the Carpenters musical legacy; Karen left us to join the angels 42 years ago this day; our loss is their gain; still the best vocalist of my lifetime (All the blessings to Richard)


Since I was Elementary till now I love carpenter's songs. I'm so emotional whenever I heard their songs.


😂😢😮😊😅😂❤!!! Memories of my teenage years and me learning to be a better person! THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS WITH US! 😊


Thanks for sharing this wonderful story


Trow back during my highschool days,now I'm 64 years but still for me very beautiful songs of Karen Carpenters..I love all their songs much.


I love carpenters songs 
Very nice to hear


I missed my mama and papa this is the saddest christmas and new year that i never hug and see them. please love and value your parents when they are still here in this world❤️❤️❤️😭


I remember those gold old days when I am a kid. I wish I could turn back time.


I also love all songs of carpenters even in my younger days. I'm 65 now still love her songs. Very relaxing.


me as  20 yrs old idk why I luv old song like CARPENTERS, BREAD, BEE GEES, BEATLES, QUEENS and ETC. that influence my self to be an OLD FASHIONED BOY still THE BEST😭❤️


I remember hearing the Carpenters sing in the early 1970’s. Their music is still fresh and will never get old.


I miss Karen Carpenter‘s music. I miss her to this very day. I just pray that she went to heaven and I pray that John Denver went to heaven. I just missed them all I missed today when my mother used to play carrying Carpenter on the radio, and I thought it was so wonderful back in the 80s. Wow I missed those days. God bless them. I made the music keep going. God bless them all and God bless you out there too amen and amen.


Memories of my husband, we married August 20 1977,  he’s gone now,I’m 65 now , went too fast, Thank You , I will listening to this often ❤


Yes, we all should love our parents while they are alive and when they pass on, may they go to heaven? I just pray for those out there that are hurting today. I just wanna bless you with Jesus is love and may God bless you all. I love you and amen and amen❤


She's very best on me.....I love Karen Carpenters....very very very much 🎉❤😊


May God bless you and your family. I know it’s hard when we lose our family. I love them and I miss my family too, but you know Christ is coming back very soon soon and we are going to go to heaven once we believe in him and put him into our hearts and our mind and our soul I love my Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart, and I love you guys out there too. God bless Karen Carpenter’s music amen and amen by now.


Such a beautiful song I remember kern radio station here in Bakersfield would play this song I think she would have been a best of all time today 💯💖🦋