
For everyone asking : The song is connected to the song "Poupée de cire, poupée de son" by France Gall, who sang it for Luxembourg in 1965 and also won. It’s exactly 60 years ago, so it fits really well. The song "Poupée de cire, poupée de son" is hard for me to translate, but it’s about a doll that lets itself be "controlled" like a puppet.
It’s also associated with the era when men dominated the music industry and, more generally, when the male gender was more dominant in society.
I tried to find explanations for the song online and found this:
“The song was understood by many as a kind of ‘meta-commentary’ on the role of women in the music industry, portraying a young, naïve singer who allows herself to be used by the industry and the men who control it. Gainsbourg, who was known for addressing provocative and often controversial topics, allegedly deliberately portrayed France Gall as a ‘doll’ who ‘plays’ what is told to her. The feminist critique of this song was that it depicts the young woman as a mere object controlled by men. Furthermore, the song itself was perceived by some as somewhat cynical and manipulative. The title ‘Poupée de cire, poupée de son’ (Wax doll, sound doll) was interpreted as depicting a young woman as an empty shell who only responds to external influences and has no voice of her own.”
The new song by Laura Thorn is about her singing that she is not a doll who will let herself be "controlled" by others, that she doesn't want to keep quiet. The title “La poupée monte le son” translates to “The doll turns up the volume” or “The doll raises the tone,” and it’s meant to suggest that women can make their own decisions about what they do. They can stand on their own and don’t need anyone else. This is also sung in the song. Furthermore, she sings a part that says, "It’s a different pattern, a different era, and now I raise my voice." That’s why there’s a shift in the song when she rips off her doll costume and is dressed differently. I believe (in my opinion) this is meant to symbolize the liberation from the "doll role." The staging is really well done, and for anyone who understands the lyrics, it’s a great song and a beautiful homage to our dear France Gall.
I hope I could clarify a bit.


A sequel to their 1965 winner is something I’d thought I’d never see but I’m all here for it! Very original idea that turns the concept of a song on its head! There’s a place for this in Eurovision! And Laura is very cute!


The staging is so amazing!! It feels like Eurovision staging already. Can't wait to see what Laura Thorn shows us in May


Incredible. Luxembourg have only just returned to Eurovision, and yet it's like they never left. What a banger, and what a creative idea for a song to be a sequel to their 1965 winner! The doll has grown wiser, and is now calling her own shots. Just... (chef's kiss)


This is exactly what I wanted from Luxembourg coming back. While I loved Fighter last year, this really feels like the Luxembourg of the 20th century making a comeback with a modern flair. My winner so far


this is basically a full circle moment for luxemburg. 60 years ago, france gal competed with the song about a wax ddoll, and now the doll is taking her revenge by  putting her foot down and  saying enough is  enough. love the connection between  thse two songs. 12 points from Sweden.


She is surprisingly charismatic


imagine being gone from class for 30 years and you don't need any catchup, you just put out bangers like this


They were absent for 30 years and just return last year but still know how to play the game!


2:42 the VOCALS i’m obsessed


1965 Poupée de cire, poupée de son
2025 La poupée monte le son


12 points from Spain! One of the catchiest songs this year!


It's like "Rockefeller Street" and "Loin d'ici" had a child, I love it


My favorite song this year! Good luck, Luxembourg!🇱🇺🇱🇺🇱🇺

12 points from the Netherlands!!!🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱


Incredible vocals,catchy song, Luxembourg will keep their Qualification Streak!
For people that say that she's off key,in the arena a lot of people said that she ate,so we will see better in Eurovision


As a luxembourgish 
I‘m just so happy we chose her and not zero point five.
She just looks so comfortable on stage, she has fun, entertains the audience and most importantly she can sing so well. The song is catchy amd it grows on you once you start listening to it more and more. And these are the best songs for me. I can‘t get tired of it.
Hopefully we‘ll get an amazing result with her this year. Good luck everyone from Luxembourg🇱🇺✌🏻


So happy Laura Thorn won ! Voted 15 times from Italy for her because she's amazing live and the performance has a lot of potential for Eurovision in Basel! 
The tribute to France Gall was also wonderful. France would have been so proud, and I am sure she saw Laura from up there and that she is 💙 Good luck Luxembourg!


It was an incredible honor to create the graphics for the stage! Designing a modern dollhouse was both challenging and exciting. The performance and the song are so memorable, and I'm thrilled that the visuals complemented the act so well. Truly proud to be part of such a powerful and impactful performance! 💖✨


I think this will do really well on the eurovision stage in basel and could be high up the leaderboard in the grand final good luck luxembourg from the uk 🇬🇧 🇱🇺


The amount of times I've seen this performance since yesterday are unhealthy. It is stuck to my mind. Good luck Luxembourg!