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Thanks so much for watching 🙏🏼 let me know your favourite segment?


The fact that you have the ability to do all this with your parents as an adult is such a blessing dude. Great video!


As a old fart and hardened London construction manager and total stranger to him , I find it weird how I feel so proud of our British Trek Trendy and his lovely family while on his travels ( lucky bugger ).  Such a gentleman and so polite with a fantastic eye opening YouTube channel I am addicted to.   Long may he reign and far may his travels take him.


Anyone who treats their mum with that much love and respect is a good egg in my book. I lost my mum 4 years ago. Value the precious time you have with her Will!


I’m too poor to be even watching this, and yet here I am halfway through the video thinking how there is a world of things that I’ll probably never get to experience in my lifetime. Thank you for the video lad. Such a visual treat ❤


I love that you include your parents in these trips.  Something that you will cherish for your entire life are these memories!


An hour and fifteen minutes of luxury travel from the comfort of my own cozy bed. What more could I possibly wish for?


Pretty sure when I started following this guy he had 5,000 followers and was explaining how to do Paris on the cheap lol. :) Good work Will.


Wooooahhhh an hour and a quarter video! This is getting to be some feature length content. Ordering a pizza and settling in for this one!


I was a child on the orient express in the  late 60s. We went from Istanbul to France.  Unknown to us, they unhooked the dining car when we left Turkey. There was no food for the rest of the trip, but my father jumped off the train at every chance and exchanged money to get us food. Also, a lovely couple helped us with snacks....what a different experience I had!


Honestly, the best travel video I've ever watched! 75min of quality content from my favourite content creator!!


The Great Gatsby suite! OMG! Your luxurious travels are always so impressive but not as impressive as the genuine honor and respect you show to your parents. You might have a lot of wealth but that’s not worth half as much as the genuine smile and open stretched arms your dad gave to you when he first saw you at the Plaza. Congrats and thanks for taking us along these magical journeys.


I just love how you include your families in your adventures. I’m sure mum and dad and Millie appreciate the opportunities, and who better to share your travels with than your loved ones!


I cannot imagine how much work goes into planning and filming this trip. Just figuring out the logistics must be insane. You do such an incredible job of making the video immersive too. Just a real pleasure to watch.


You know you've arrived when you can take your lovely mom on a trip around the world! What a good son you are.


Sitting here smiling like a Cheshire cat. How fantastic to have your loved ones with you on these adventures. Cherish it.


I never comment but bloody hell, what an epic video and trip.


I kinda envy you. Not only the places you visit and you get there but also that you get to make these kind of  memories with your parents. Since both my parents are gone those things hit home.


Would love to see a behind the scenes on how you pull together a video as complex as this and how much footage you have to wade through and essentially bin off never to be seen just to make these succinct awesome videos


I don't think I have ever enjoyed watching anything as much as I love this channel. I'm 64 and loving this adventure. Thank You,,,