


1. CD4 binding inhibitors: Ebeluzibam (monoclonal antibody

2. CCR5 inhibitors: Maraviroc
3. Fusion inhibitors 
4. Reverse transcriptions inhibitors(nucleotide and nucleoside): Lamivudan, ledovudan
5. Integrate inhibitors
6. Protease inhibitors


Couple days before my microbio exam ! Great timing as always, I needed this. Thank you as always.


Azithromycin is still recommended and used as prophylaxis against NTM for patients with CD4 count lower than 50 after ruling out an active infection  (1200-1500 mg weekly po). Clarithomycin is an alternative regime also contemplated by the EACS.


Great bro nice work and the way you summarised in one single slide v with all possible details


me staring at my Biktarvy bottle trying to match the ingredients with what's said in this video made it fun and informative


Awesome, as always!💫


Had my gm exam recently,these drugs haunt me even in my sleep😂


Great explanation 🤍


What program do you use for this wonderfully explanation?!


Tip: first bit of video is recap on HIV mechanism of infection. Pharmacology starts at 3:41


Thank you bro❤


This video is amazing!


Correction: TDF has longer elimination half life thus remains in circulation and tissues for longer.


Isnt abacavir a guanosine analogue/purine analogue?


Amazing content


What  a wonderful explanation you are very good in it doctor


While all path way of HIV cycle   use ARV ? does the Anti viral is not absolutely block the HIV path cycle ?

