No matter whether the Act is Lifted or not, the Drinkers will definitely drink and Non-drinkers won't.
Supporter OF removing NLTP Act 1989 attendance 😂😂
Save your Child life by providing a good quality liquor n in cheap price. Today liqour is available everywhere in high price but very bad quality ,many brother dead due to this high price n bad quality
If decides not to lift, reconstitute and restrengthen the laws of NLTP Act and not even a bottle of liquor should influx in the state. NBCC must also spearhead and demonstrate in action rather than barking from their own comfort sofas in the name of Christianity. If decides to lift, GoN must promise to show full transparency in issuing license and income utilization rather than developing their own belly size. It's far better not to lift the act if the agenda is only for self profit where the rich will become more richer & poor becomes more poorer and thus Nagaland will remain the same untill next century.
Whether it is lifted or not A person who drinks will drink and a person who doesn't drink will not drink 🍻. Example pork is available everywhere -those who eat will eat and thoes who don't eat will not 🚫 -simple
Churches stand is right because they want everyone be saved and inherit the Kingdom of God.but liquor leads to hell because Bible says 'No drunkers can inherit the Kingdom of God.
This issue is not NBCC syllabus nor subject !! Just focus on preaching and get salary enjoy your family.
I dn drink alcohol bt s v all kno alcohol will get every corner of Nagaland No use of keeping nltp
My suggestions. Why not we hold a signature camping on NLTP act ,lift or un lift.
It's 💯 right what you said, we Naga feel that revinue comparing with Assam bt we have only 2 to 5 % alcoholic in Nagaland therefore it's better to prohibit once again reinforcement strong with all party's Government, Churches, students , vill councils, and national workers all group's , so that nothing is impossible we can do it.only solution
Even if nltp act is lifted we the public wont get any benifits from it don't let our govt fool us sure if nltp act is lifted our state will earned a huge revenue but all the revenue money will go in our mla n minister pocket.......
Forget about the revenue. It'll be pocketed by the politicians concerned. Therefore, it is about getting good liquor, not about the money.
Thanks for your explanation bro
Thank you so much Sir 🙏 God bless you 🙏
Sir,Hokato one of my favorite Youtuber 😍 I always agree you opinion
Kha Manu khabo nakha Manu nakabo apuni laga gorte, osorte pikhai lepi apuni aro Ami opor te ase
The church must realise by now that the issue is not about NLTP alone, but about the confidence which Naga people have lost in the church specially the younger generation. Nagas still have faith in God the creator but people are done with the double standard life of many church leaders. Many people in Nagaland believe in God but lost their trust in the Church. By fighting for this Act the church is not gonna achieve anything but instead try to bring hope and confidence in the heart of the people.
Remove NLTP from nagaland complitely
NBCC VS STATE GOVERNMENT if NLTP act is lifted half of the money will go to the state revenue n the poorer ones will only suffer So if NBCC n the right thinking citizens who r against this they should be fair enough to implement stict policy common idea have some discussion n come up with strong decisions only then it may solved because its alcohol where many of the youngsters n even the elderly people fall prey n failed to come out to their comfort zone