
What are your thoughts on the update? Let me know :D


Create: Amazon Update


The Create mod is somehow out here consitantly pushing the limits of minecraft modding with every update.
The Create era of minecraft mods has been insane to watch and play, i remember when even just adding a new dimention and a freaking multi block structure was groundbreaking 😂


Something you missed: you can link up multiple factory gauges and stuff like mechanical crafters in order to automate crafting items. So, for example, if you want a constant flow of sticky pistons for some reason, you can make factory gauges that request if they don't have enough materials to craft n stuff


You didn't mention that drills now can drop mined blocks straignt onto belts. There's no more mess on cobblestone generators


2:46  pung is my new favorite word


2:47 That was a piece of information I did not expect to hear, nor did I need it... but hey, at least now I can swear at my Danish friend when he screws stuff up again now! As far as I'm aware, he's nae too fond of Sweden due to their... historic differences, so to say.
The update is cool I guess. I'm still struggling with the basics (and mod installing shenanigans) and have not progressed beyond the "F*ck around and find out" part of Create. XD


there also is some quite convenient autocrafting via the storage now. the factory gauge can also keep items in stock via the crafting on demand. Its really cool.


Another cool thing for mod developers is Ponder (create's guide feature) become a library mod now. Which mean other mod can use ponder feature as a guide or tutorial without have to install create now.


This update looks awesome! Hopefully the devs add stuff like ziplines, and those seats like at a ski resort


This update is so peak!!! Also cardboard armor :D


7:42 game idea: prop hunt


7:20 ''hero, on a plastic horse acting like its real, with a cardboard sword''


Ngl this is a really cool update. They fixed atleast 2 major problems ive encountered. First one being expensive and awfull energy transmitting (putting shafts underground wasnt cool) and a more important feature is an advanced storage system. Previosly people have used storage drawlers or other modes to gather resources, and the problem was that they were laggy and didnt really fit to create mod. But now we have a really cool storage system wich can have only 1 controller. And the new chain conveyor is just peak. Though im NEVER accepting those copper blocks to live.


I love how well Create feel like it fits into Minecraft. It has the same goofiness feel as minecraft and the mechanics while more complicated still somewhat follow the 1 block does 1 thing at a time rule. But also has multiple different uses in different situations. Its great


Actually you can hide from mobs by crouching while wearing cardboard armor unless you are very close


Damn. I can not wait until the next community mod version so that I can make a fresh mod pack with this. The chain conveyor alone is such an awesome looking feature that I want to base a transport system around it. Specificly it operating at about 256 rpm.

I wonder if you can set a destination for the player, like you can with packages.

This update might even be big enough to get a new season of modded or lightly modded hermitcraft including create.


Packaging items into boxes and storing them in a giant warehouse and transporting them by train to delivery places for other people to order and unpackage in their home.

FFFUFFING MINECRAFT AMAZON. Also Shalz totally gonna make IKEA with the furniture mod and this thing, yes.


wow, this will completely change around some factories for those who know how to use it! Now you don't have to have a bajillion farms for the same material, you can just have one and send that to other things with packages :)


I think those chain conveyors could double as above ground rotational power lines, as the transfer their rotation between hubs, and they don't look half bad as a bonus.