Laughability: Trying to get ban, but he can't Innocent people: get ban for no reason everyday
40 seconds in and already possible demonetization
6:09 bro that devious laughter 💀
If he wouldn’t have held back, he could’ve had his account permanently deleted in seconds
All you have to say is "women" and you are banned for being "discriminatory". True Story. I got banned for saying "women".
How is this man still in the Star Program? I mean they were SUPER finicky about Albert getting in due to his old PG-13 content, but Laughability is straight up making ban tutorials.
Fun Fact: Saying 'die' is one of the simplest and easiest ways to get banned.
You can get banned instantly by uploading a decal that has a website written on it. (The website can’t be youtube, twitch, or other popular sites)
I love how kid friendly this video is ☺️
How fast can you get banned Quackity: this is my time to shine
I know I'm 3 months late but I just got banned for 1 day because I was swearing trying to get banned and telling people to report me
1:55 "i will answer anything, promise" Me: ok then whats ur password
mirabel: hey um i kinda need to know about bru- the madrigals: 1:31
Laughability: *Trying to get banned* Also Laughability: *Proceeds to get the whole Roblox sued*
this is so funny also congrats on 800k!
Well, now you can get banned under 40 seconds due to the hackers.
That laugh- 6:09
I’m watching this and I’m a few minutes in and I like this mans content, his content never gets old
I got banned for putting guns in my game, and my group got deleted. It was like maybe 1 or 1.5 years ago and I put a gun in my game and it got removed permanently and I got a warning, the person who helped make my game got banned for 14 days. It was a mental health game.