
Wow, great footage, love it, thanks


Lovely footage. Thank you so much. 😊 🐬


Thank you for such an awesome video, LZ! You do such great work and I loved the format of this video (music, captions, etc!). Your videos are so informative…thank you! 😊😊


Great footage


Any chance of you folks doing a video on the various species of sea snake?


waaoo thas new one..i like this/ snorkeling with dolphins/


A great video but I still love snake videos more! Lots of great finds! Eels are amazing!


Thank you so much for all your content, this is a special one; always love the snakes but great to see other animals too 🐬 And thank you for keeping your films without narration, it's amazing to be able to enjoy the footage with just the sounds of nature, really appreciated 💚


If you would talk more, your videos would be phenomenal, but that is my opinion.Anyway, keep doing what you're doing.Good luck


Nádhera 😍😍a ten žralok paráda👌👌


Stunning footage. I think undersea videos from you get less views not because they are bad but because most people associate you with snakes. It is like a car magazine that suddenly post a video about motorbikes. But you should know that there are still many people that appreciate your efforts.


Very nice. Was this all done while snorkeling or are there SCUBA parts?