They are adorable. Love the one doing a quick rollover in the dust bath. ❤️
Very good points. When I was in elementary school, I had pet rats. I was in fifth grade, but my second grade teacher came to me and asked if I would be willing to care for her chinchillas over our winter break. This was in the 1970s, so they were fairly rare as pets. She had a pelletized chinchilla food for them (probably the same one used for fur farms back then) and a water bottle. The cage was a wire-floor cage (again, 1970s), but they had several wood platforms to sit/lay on and some good wood chew toys. She had a separate dust bowl for their dust baths. Since I knew that they chewed a lot, I would make sure that anything small was cleared from our floors and then give them supervised free range time, though some of our coffee table books ended up with a nibble or two on the spine. They can scamper very fast, but would come when I called their names (Dusty and Charlotte) and I would give them bits of hay or long grasses as a treat. I ended up watching them over school breaks for several years. Someday, I hope to have some as pets again, but not at this point, since we currently have three cats and a large, elderly dog. Thank you for your concise information, and best wishes.
I don’t keep much plastic near any of my rodents. I’ve always tried to use as much natural things for them as possible just in case
Could you do more mouse knowledge?? I want 2 mice but i feel like everything i search isn’t right. Your my main source! </33
My only encounter with a cinchilla was at a pet show. It fell asleep on me. i must give off something because so many animals fall asleep when I handle them!
Could you pleeease answer 🙏🙏🙏Is a coconut substrate okay for harvest mice? Should it be wet or dry? I use the paper filler, but then in a video someone was using a coconut filler, and i thought may be its better for digging😮
I dont agree with all of these mistakes being wrong. The chinchillas interacting with cats and dogs is not always dangerous! There are ways the animals can be kept in the same room without any physical interactions. I also dont agree with the statements fruit and veggies ALWAYS being deadly for chinchillas. But, I will not deny the fact that chinchillas have delicate stomaches! Water bowls are easier to clean than bottles, hence why I prefer them for ALL animals. I would rather my chinchilla get wet then not get any water at all. Just my two thoughts. Thanks for this cute chinchilla video!
On the note of bedding... Shredded cardboard is a thing? I got a lot of boxes I need to get rid of, so mouse bedding will be a perfect excuse!
Ive recently took in an unwanted gerbil. If any of your followers know of a good group for dietary advice etc I'd be so grateful. X
First comment!!(i love chinchillas)❤❤
I really want a chinchilla but my mama won’t let me me cuz i already got a rat😖
Tldr: these silly guys aren't too smart and they will eat or chew anything :) /silly
its sounds like they're not very suitable as a pet, its nice you rescue them and give them such delicate care