I have to say I just found your content recently and im loving it, keep up the good work man
Found your content recently and it's very good, like, worth way more 190 views
Yao Guai be like: opa gangnam style
I was shocked to see this only has 300 views. Very good editing and high quality content. Keep it up!
You are Funny man , i like your videos a lot 😂 I ll sub just bcz you know how to edit and most important , you know WHEN to add funny or interesting stuff , you ll grow for sure , can t wait to see more videos from you man ! Good luck !
Good thing is that there’s no Cazadores in F4
everyone knows the most feared creature is the radroach
another amazingly video my guy , btw what the next project you got for fallout?
In 4:05 the Mirelurk queen doesn't shoot poison but acid i think (im going off what I learned before sorry if not accurate)
The edits in this video got me laughing ngl
The only thing scarier than these are… the radroaches in the vault for the tutorial shiver
Tunnelers and Ghost people I think are some of the most deadly
You should do a fallout 76 video that’s would be interesting , enjoyed this 💪
I bet The Centaur is very popular amongst women
Mole Rat rabies disease