Aiming to move up the tier list tier list rankings, I see.


So S tier is prettty much work on a farm.


Recently added zercher squats, farmers carry and zercher carry into my training and my traps are screaming at me.


S Tier:
Farmer's Walks
Keg & Sandbag Carries

A Tier:
Log Clean & Press
Husafell Stone
Axle Deadlift

B Tier:
Car/Elevated Trap Bar Deadlift
Arm Over Arm Pull

C Tier:
Conan's Wheel
Tire Flips

D Tier:
Axle Clean & Press
Silver Dollar Deadlift

F Tier:
Fingal's Fingers
Circus Dumbbell
Tossing Events
Power Stairs
Truck Pull


Man,  your content is so good, Bromley.  Now you've got my 64 year old self wanting to get a log bar and farmers walk handles.  You deserve all the success your channel has gotten over the years!


Hey that’s me deadlifting 💪🏽😀
I love it! Strongman classic competition at the fair! I remember that! Probably one of the most fun competitions I’ve done! 🙌🏽


Keep it up big man. It has been a very nice time seeing your content evolve over the years. I remember the white board days. The membership days and it’s been great to watch through it all. As always loved the vid


I got stones, waiting for sandbags to restock and just recently ordered farmers handles, always loved dynamic movements like sandbags and farmers just seem fun, used to do these with kettlebells.


Posted this as I’m looking up strongman movements to incorporate in training - thank you sir


Farmer walk is the best exercise to do. I live in a rural town, no big gyms near, I got few weights, I just chopped some logs and build me some stuff to do farmer walks


You and Alan are my 2 favorite on Youtube, glad to see this collision on topic


Pre watch guess list for the strongman exercises / events that Alexander Bromley puts in S for becoming more jacked and more generally strong and useful:

1. Any type of off the ground loading event. Sandbags, stones, whatever.
2. Overhead lifts, probably anything off the ground
3. Any type of squat. He will make his obligatory reference to Mark Rippetoe saying “they make you harder to kill.” 
4. Farmers walks / handle carry’s

You can rip me apart in the replies for everything I get wrong. I watch this man’s videos way too often lol.


i think the continued use of the axel is to help differentiate between olympic weightlifting. if the clean and jerk/press record was shattered by a strongman it would have many "purists" up in arms about PED use in strongman


I like this video format with you doing things in the background.  Great content as always!


Thank you for this tier list.


You're spot on with the Farmer's Carry with straps. I tried it today and it was great. Didn't know what I've been missing.


Defining the tiers is very helpful


My brother actually found he had good carryover from the yoke to the squat. He added about 60 pounds to his squat in the half a year since he started yoke carries. Granted, he's not at the level of someone like Bromley. But he is a strong dude (590 max squat and worked up to short bursts on the yoke with 900 pounds around the same time).


Thanks for revisiting this cuz ive been repetitively  watching the older strongman jack videos 😂


Happy to see that most of my training other than specific events are A and S tier and Bromley approved 👍