Stop sending money anywhere until we fix our own country
We are so tired of using our tax money to build up our enemies in other countries real tired
he's got time to go to israel, but harris still hasn't gone down to the border.
And we going into circles again
What a traitor!
Why are they always on the side of the bad guys?
I could honestly care less if the Israelis leveled the whole Strip. And NO, we're not paying for anything.
Every time I see his name I can’t help but think of “DID YOU JUST SAY ABE LINCOLN?” “NO I SAID HEY BLINKIN!”
Waste of money.
Blinken the military industrial complex head puppet
Boycott Israeli companies.
Yes let's help the Hamas backed regime rebuild, what could possibly go wrong. How about we stay way clear of the middle east ffs
Like how Iraq was supposedly rebuilt by the Americans? LMAO...
You can remake a garbage bin to look like a jewelry box; but you'll always have pooBling
With our tax dollars? Another example of AMERICA LAST!
Send them pallets of cash which is a reward for their Gov’t using them as human shields and the saga continues
What a joke this President is, the whole administration is embarrassing.
Why would U.S. help rebuilding of the Gaza when we have many U.S. highways, bridges and U.S. electrical gird that need updating?
How about pledging to do something on student loans or help failing business for all that were shut down. All I see is help for everyone but the American people.