
Disney: "no i still think its rey"


Mace Windu: You have beaten this council, but we dont grant you the rank of master


Vader in a dimension with no sand, or high ground:


anakin: why don't you make me master?
windu: you're the fucking chosen one, what more do you want?


"Should have given me the Rank of Master, asshole"
          - Vader, probably


If anyone had the guts to animate or even make a live action series over this story,i'd say finally entertainment has been returned to it's former glory


I still remember him forcing the literal embodiments of the force to KNEEL to him! He was by all accounts meant to be the strongest being in the galaxy


"or is he?"
Vsauce, Full Potential with All-knowing Knowledge


Love how he’s depicted as pure light with the malice of hatred covering his body. That’s some spiritual sh*t right there


He’s called the chosen one for a reason.


After all this, Mace Windu still wouldn't call him a Master.


In legends, he reached his full potential a few seconds before he died


This is the type of stuff I want to see in theaters. Not those BS movies they’ve been releasing.


Yoda be like "Master Skywalker"


Anakin doing a couple of evil things after not being admitted as a Master reminds me of a certain student doing a couple of evil things after not being admitted as an art student.


I swear we need community notes or something for shorts like this. This is a simulation of the dark side testing him. This isnt the real council.


The Son isn’t the god of the dark side he is the literal physical manifestation of the dark side


“Taking care of them like if they were younglings from order 66”💀💀💀
Edit: how tf did I get over 9000 likes for quoting a joke that he made☠️😭


The brother isn’t the god of the dark side he is the avatar of the dark side, basically the living embodiment of it


Palpatine actually did the galaxy a favor by putting Anakin in that limiting suit. Fully intact Anakin probably would’ve had no equal.