Some advice when creating advance routing. The name that is used for the destination can use wildcards "*" This means that if you have a building with all your "crafters" you can have a frogger at the enterance with the name "Crafter *" and be able to send packages with the names: "Crafter crafter", "Crafter mixer", "Crafter press", "Crafter etc" Once in the building then you use package filters within the building's subsystem to do finer routing
its so hilarious in your belt setup that you are unpacking and repacking the brass for absolutely no reason 💀
Build full automation system to make waxed lightly weathered cut copper stairs. You would make so many people happy with this contraption.
Oh btw Shalz, pretty sure that you can just put a sign on the packager and then that turns into the address Yo guys, I understand I was wrong, chill
i think people have already commented but with gauges you can make modular factories that use the same machines to craft different items on demand, soo you don't need a crafter in each factory, you can have crafter's in the network and route all crafting recipes to the crafter address, or you can even make a main storage and not use specific factories at all, just several crafting stations connected to the network and the gauges automatically crafting everything in the right stations and sending it to storage
4:30 The way destination addresses work is that they aren't actually checked afaik and instead are just put onto the package (you can actually see it in the tooltip when you hold the box). So for a belt with just one destination you can simply put anything in there since the package won't encounter any routing logic. In case of belts routing only really happens once it encounters a package filter or gets exported do a different network (like into a frogport in which case the frogport will try to route it)
Two uploads in two days?! Who are you and what have you done to Shalz?
factory gauges have revolutionised all processing and im so ready
I just want to tell you that I love the way you edit your videos. The "shiish" or "fuuf" whenever you swear always makes me giggle and when you have your little build montages and the block placing sound is on the beat and all.... man I love it so much. If you have an Editor who does that for you, give him a raise and tell him I said hi.
"Im gonna lick your brass" -frog 2025
You can increase the amounts in the gauges btw. Instead of one copper and one zinc into two brass you can set 20 copper and 20 zinc into 40 brass. It cant craft smaller then this now, but depending on the automated item it is useful.
Build idea: amazon😄 I'm not kidding Make a place where you can order stuff A place where that order goes A place that crafts it A chain lift/post van that brings it to your house (If you want make it,so it automaticly orders more stuff for the crafting) So if i want a link I order stuff It gets to the factory It gets crafted(if there are enough items,if not it orders some)it gets deliverd via chain and dropped of at you house Simple (Ps:I hope you build this😄)
You can give stuff other than frogs and postboxes "addresses" with the new filter item, the mail filter or something. Just give it the address and put it in a brass tunnel or funnel or whatever takes a filter slot, it reads the address tag of packages. For example a funnel pulling out of a belt line will let everything go through except packages with the correct address string
FYI, the address that is attached to a package is only used for routing. If you plan on using using belts, then the address only matters when you use a tunnel or funnel with a package filter. Also, the address that the factory gauge is asking for automated production should be the address of the production line, not the storage. Items needed to make the recipe will be sent to the specified address for processing, then you'll probably want to send them out of the production line with the storage address. The names of frogports and mailboxes are for the chain conveyors and trains to know where to deliver the packages. They will spit out any packages that don't match their address and suck in any package that does. For example, your main storage vault could have a single frogport named "storage". Each package tagged "storage" will follow the filters to your vault. If you request something from the vault, the frogport won't change it's name. Let's say you make an order to make more iron ingots from ores. The factory gauge will be set to the address "smelter", which will send the ores to your smelter setup, and at the smelter's output, you put a sign that says "storage" (without a stock link) so the resulting iron ingots will be immediately sent to your vault without your help. Also, if you specify a recipe in the factory gauge that requires crafting table crafting, the recipe will be included in the package, so if you just unpackage it directly to a mechanical crafter, the items will align correctly on their own. This also works if you order a recipe from a stock ticker (You can do that by opening the recipe in JEI while in the stock ticker menu and pressing the plus button that would add the recipe to the crafting slots if you were looking at a normal crafting table. The recipe will then appear as an item that you could add to the package.)
When Setting up the factory gauges, you can actually dictate how many items are sent at once by specifying in the crafting page, so that your belts arent clogging up with boxes of single items. Also you should make the Door storage system from monsters inc, see how far that can go !
"shleate mod" makes me happy when he uploads
an automatic tnt farm that goes into a tnt cannon with the frog robots would be cool
One idea i instantly came up with was a amazon delevery van, using trains underground with "roads" on top, and the new mail boxes, so it marks a package in a facility that the user writes themselves, puts ina mailbox to go into the van, drives off, and puts it in the mail box/mail boxes and drives back
Another huge benefit to this system is every single segment of belt is an entity, the chain drives whereas do have some more processing to do it's only 1 entity per chain drive, not 1 per block in-between which ends up helping fps a lot