
The sheer strength of will it took to explain that whole "hold Z the entire game" bit and not reference "half a button press" is impressive. My friend TJ will rest easy today.


"So how's your therapy sessions going?"
"I'm scaling the mountain that is my anxiety but with my hands behind my back so it's canon."


Some people's Celeste challenges: "Is it possible to beat Celeste without climbing?" "Is it possible to beat Celeste without jumping?" "Is it possible to beat Celeste without dashing?" My Celeste challenges: "Is it possible to beat Celeste?"


What I love the most about this is that all the tactics he used was intentionally implemented by the developers. The wall jumping, wave dashing, jumping away from a spiked wall, wall jumping after a dash. All of these were intentional mechanics and it's amazing


8:14 There’s actually a hard-coded reason for this working as it should: spikes only interact with you if you are moving in their direction. That’s how the one-way spikes in dream blocks in Ch 2 work, because you’re going the opposite direction. It’s also what makes Chapter 1’s dashless golden possible.

EDIT: Another comment says that it’s if you’re facing their direction, which might be the case? I don’t know, all my knowledge is from watching speedrunners and not playing myself, so either could be true.


Oh my gosh chapter 2 was so beautifully in depth LOVED the beautiful flourishes of your voice as you discussed the complex maneuvering required to get around.


Jumps infinitely off of walls
Wall jumps off of spikes
"I'm not much of a climber" :P


I think Madeline not being a mountain climber is represented through the players skill rather than the game directly. Think about how many deaths you had on your first celeste run.


17:15 "a Z press is a Z press, you can't say it's only a half"


“No climbing ?”
Inserts Madeline looking like Megamind


13:00 This room is technically possible grabless, but it's really REALLY dumb. Checking Euni's "Celeste 100% in 29 grabs" run around 31 mins will give you the solution if you so desire because it is way too dumb to explain in a yt comment. 

Always impressive to complete this game grabless, good job and entertaining vid!


I loved the melee music during the wavedash explanation


Still happy your TAS commented run got recommended to me. Your playlist rules!


I love the fucking REVERSE EXTENDED HYPERJUMP jumpscares scattered across the video lol


this video was extremely well made - funny commentary, insane gameplay, great pacing and BANGER music. well done!!!


I mean… yeah… why would you consider holding a crystal above your head “climbing”? Ask someone who has never played Celeste and they’ll look at you like this: •-•?


Hey! I've kinda become the master of playing Celeste without the grab button over the last few years, and it's super cool to see a really well made video on the challenge! Congrats on completing the challenge, getting through the hard rooms in Ridge and the last room of 2500M is no small feat.

If anyone's interested in seeing more of the game without climbing, I suggest searching "No Category Left Behind Celeste GDQ", which has a run of the B-Sides without climbing! (Spoiler: 4 of them are actually possible!) (Alternatively if you're reading this in the future I'm working on a 100% breakdown on my channel.)

im gonna watch more of your vids now lol


i cant believe how painful this must be.
Just doing Chapter 9 alone has tested my patience and made be about to go mad


Carrying Theo definitely isn't climbing. That'd be like saying someone used a gun in Half-Life 2 just because they pulled a trigger on their controller even though they were using the crowbar at the time. Besides, wall jumping & wall sliding are a lot more similar to climbing than carrying Theo is & those are obviously allowed.


I love that melee music is playing when you introduce wavedashing