3:18 "The only requirement is friends, so if you browse reddit then I've got some bad news for you" got me rolling
I like how roblox has gone a long way. From just begin like a childrens game hide & seek etc. To now begin a litteral joke. If 2008 players came back 14 years later they would probably question their lives on what the heck did they just witness.
I think the reason that the invisibility glitch with layered clothing works is because that's Roblox's temporary method of fixing the glitch where you could become a planet-sized mass that covered everything and made any game basically unplayable. I believe the way it works now is that once your clothes' go past a certain size, they're just made no longer visible, so essentially Roblox fixed it by going "an invisible avatar is better than a game-breakingly large one"
I found a different way to do the fly freeze jump. My method is that you hold the x, minimize, or maximize with your mouse and drag it away so none of those happen while still holding down. Thats all you have to do and you can do the freeze jump as long as you want. (I think I did a bad job explaining this so ask questions if necessary)
"I'm usually on bottom, he's usually on top. Don't take that in any other context than this glitch." And then everyone proceeded to take it in a different context.
4:35 you can freeze for over a minute if you just hold the buttons to minimize or maximize or ''x'' but then you get disconnected if you do it for too long also in the dance glitch thing it only works on walls up to ~0,6 studs of thickness and theres also the laugh clip which is also a glitch but harder to do, it allows you to clip walls up to ~1,1 studs of thickness also i know a lot of people explained the first thing already, they just didn't mention about getting disconnected if you hold it for too long (atleast it happens for me)
The evuuz fling used to be a popular glitch that involved corner clipping. Basically, do a corner clip except a bit differently and you just get flung into outer space. It used to be in a lot of gdcos (glitch difficulty chart obbies) however due to the patch of corner clips, it was patched aswell. R.I.P. Corner clips and evuuz flings, you used to be my favourite glitch. Edit: You can still do corner clips with the help of a script, used to resurrect obbies that require corner clipping. Sadly, the evuuz fling could not be replicated with a script. edit 2: why tf did i write this lol -PolarBear, 28/8/2023
As an obbyist, I can confirm that the /e dance2, sleep glitch, tab glitch, evuuz fling, are all true. Btw for the sleep glitch, it is better to use the V pose glitch so that with the right avatar and timings, you can glitch through 6+ stud walls. edit: with the v pose and right avatar you can do v pose and then equip an item and then use shiftlock to glide and its op when in shiftlock you hold jump and w and d to get extra movement speed r6 games you can do this too if you have an item you can do /e dance2 and when your arm is extended you equip your item then the same thing but its less effective
4:27 I'm unsure, but I think that happens in multiple games other thank Roblox. (It works in Minecraft)
3:41 clipped
He explained the danceclip so well. I would do it too early or late and get frustrated that i cant do it. I will start training my timing (go 1 second after pressing enter as that time after you begin dancing you tp) so i dont get frustrated.
This channel has evolved so much since the old days. Back then, this was basically your average channel, but look at it now.
Laugh: because i have "friends"! laughs Me: bro is losing his mind
Surprised there was no mention of the glitch where by rapidly equipping and unequipping an item, walls would just fail to work
4:04 bros balls got chopped offđź’€
This video taught us that layered clothing was and still is the source of our problems
4:42 you can actually still hold it for hours Hold down the X but do not release it until your mouse isnt on the X
3:56 omg me and my friend did that glitch like 4 times in a roblox game, but we didnt really know how to control it
Laughability saying “back in the day” when talking about roblox glitches is the equivalent to when parents say “back in my day” talking about when they were kids