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I use a calendar for my shot timer. Got my splits down to 2 or 3 months


I don't have a lot of experience with timers but got the GO because it works at my indoor range. Setting the sensitivity to 40 lets it record my shots and not any from the other shooters.


I find it useful for being able to review my range trip on my phone at home , even if you didn't use the phone at the range. It just stores everything on the timer , and you can sync them up later , and basically review any session from the calendar history.


Very cool product 😎👍👍


This is a great review. I’ve been wanting a good review on this, especially since the original SG timer was too quiet. Considering we deal with gunshots typically, I’ll take too loud over too quiet. Also cool to see timer is pushing the tech on what has generally been a stagnant field


Love it! About time that timer technology advanced.


Can you separate training logs between guns or even shooters? 

It’d be nice to know I shot X number of rounds with my PDP, and Y number with my M&P etc.


So I'm not very techy (tecky?) but I have the Go version and its pretty simple to figure out. I use the videos to see just how bad I suck and its Great!


I've been wanting this review from you!


I use their app to design stages for my local club as well as dryfire practice. Best app for shooters


Great video as always.  
Two things:
1) I have the original "SG Timer" and yes, it is stupid quiet.  Especially if you put one of the rubber "condoms" on it.  You cannot hear it at all if you have ear-pro on and it is on the magnetic base.  I would rather have the SG2 with stupid loud.
2) "David BDE" on your timer screen as your name on the timer: Hilarious!


Now, I have a joke for you. An old man was minding his own business. A younger man came up and demanded the old man give him all his money. The next thing the young robber is Beeeep!


I can't look at that and not recall my old Nokia 3650 fondly.


Does it matter the model of watch used?


Anyone have recommendations for a shot timer to train with a suppressed rifle?  I’ve got the blue box, and even with the sensitivity turned all the way up, it won’t register my shots.


Hmmm. Neat.


Is it able to pick up the gunshot from a gas blowback airsoft ?


Shooters Global touted these things as can be used inside indoor ranges and can differentiate user from other shooters. BUT, nobody ever puts a review or even footage of it being used inside an active indoor range.


Is that a PCC I see in your hands =o