I'm a fat white male, and I don't walk the streets at night often because all it takes is one person wanting your wallet or not wanting you at that spot, and I'm done for.
Self preservation isn't a debate. Stop acting like the world isn't full of danger
Feminist argument is that if I walk around the streets waving my wallet around singing 'I am in the money', no one should mug me. While I agree, I am also not stupid.
This is where the whole “victim blaming” thing has gotten out of hand and mislabeled. Victim blaming is when a girl goes to a party, has a few drinks, gets sexually assaulted and then people say “if she didn’t want that to happen then she shouldn’t have gone to the party dressed like that.” It’s not victim blaming to advise young women to be vigilant in following sensible safety measures like not walking by yourself late at night in certain places. Obviously no one has the right to violate you, but doing things that are suggested to you to decrease the odds that it would happen is smart and it’s not an attempt to make you responsible for it if it does.
I wondered where this was going, but he's right. We all should be able to go about our lives in peace, but most of us are stuck in society where the most dangerous being to us–the human man–is all around us. Female safety and freedom requires a realistic understanding of male nature and rational precautions against them. Is it fair? No. But neither is our physical disadvantage. It is what it is.
Victim blaming is just a phrase we use to spare feelings and call pragmatic people rude. It’s not entirely their fault. It’s mostly not their fault. Sometimes it’s not their fault at all. But sometimes, at some point, a women getting drunk, leaving bars alone at 3 AM, walking through dark alleys have to take some responsibility for their lack of common sense.
If I walk into the lion den at the zoo why should I get shredded I just wanted to pet the kitty…. I’m the victim
It's bizarre, wishful and harmful thinking to tell girls they shouldn't have to learn to protect themselves.
From a feminist perspective, I don’t argue the fact there is a % of humans that have bad behaviors I need to prepare for. I also prepare for wild animals wandering the streets. I argue the DISCREPANCY between how a man can walk down the street, while women walk down the street fearing for there lives.
There will always be psychopaths. It's not sexist to tell women to beware of them. Don't walk at night. Don't walk in areas you're not familiar with. Don't wear ear pods of any kind. Be assertive and alert. And Carry a large, sharp stick.
It's not the woman's fault for being attacked, but why would anyone not be mindful and take precautions against danger. Men have to do it. If women want equality, then they will have to do it as well.
If I left my door wide open while out of town for a few days, and someone stole everything in my house, would you say it was my fault? Maybe not. I shouldn't have to worry about thieves. But you'd still insist I should have taken the extra precautions to protect myself.
The claim that some of these feminists are making is basically: safety is a human right. Except.....it isn't. No one has "a right" NOT to be harmed. The perpetrator, of course, has no right to perpetrate, but in a democratic society, he has freedom of movement, so can therefore maneuver to be in a position to perpetrate. Hence making the world a potentially dangerous place.
Should people be good drivers and not run over pedestrians? Or should we teach children, as young as possible, to look both ways when you cross the street? Two things can be true at the same time.
100 years ago, you’d STILL have to worry about predators, and not even HUMAN predators. There are still coyotes, foxes, feral dogs, bobcats, etc. women (and men) will NEVER be 100% safe at night, even if rape were completely eliminated from the world. As it’s not gone yet-therefore it’s actually just One More Thing everyone needs to be aware of. Robbery still exists, carjacking still exists, kidnappings still exist. And both sexes need to protect themselves.
While a Puppy might help his irrational phobia, a full grown dog that arrives out of the blue will not. 😂
Wait a minute.... I was reliably informed that there was no difference between men and women. women were just as strong as men. I'm not understanding why this conversation is happening. Was I misinformed?
If men can't be trusted to walk the streets at night maybe men need a curfew and permission slips.
What the hell is wrong with wearing a seatbelt and being street smart