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Bought my 10K XRP between 2016-2017 and I am never selling😎


xrp involves the banking system so actually market cap plays zero role in xrp it all matters on the banking system and if they implement it which is already starting to happen


I think its a very narrow minded view. You forgot XRP market cap was higher than ETHs back in 2017/2018 for brief periods of time before they were slapped by the SEC. So saying it is impossible,  when its done it before is biased. Lost respect for this channel to be honest, means your research wasn't done properly.


That $7 prediction is an insult to XRP. In 2025 it will surpass $25 and succedding years will have everyone in disbelief. Mark my words.


The bigger price tag happens when people lock up their XRP in liquidity pools hence it lowers the supply while the demand is still high equals higher price. Never underestimate crypto! People never thought Bitcoin will get up to $1,000 and look at it now


Took all of 1 min 30 sec to get 1st thing wrong it was originally called Open coin not Ripple ..your history of reporting on xrp is brutal when it comes to accuracy


The average price of my bag is at $0.6
I'm happy with a 10x - $6-7
Adding the other cryptoa that I hold... I'm good and happy with that. 
I lost money in all 100000xxx coins that I "invested" in. 
I'm happy with a guaranteed 5-10x profit, thank you very much!


Xrp will hit $10 minimum by March. People don't buy technology, they buy brand and xrp is big top 3


And now this channel is talking about XRP when I remember in the past years saying it won't make you rich


Thanks for thefud  info i just bought more xrp.


If you were asked 2 weeks ago if XRP could flip Tether you would of laughed.   No reason why it can't flip ETH.


Hey, make a vid about bitcoin and let's see which is a bigger banker coin. So neutral and objective so that capital flows into our holdings eh?


It’s already passed Eth a couple of times prior to the SEC stepping in. It will do it again. BTC is another story all together.


Xrp will definitely flip Ethereum


XRP was gifted to RIPPLE brother let's not get it twisted


I hope the “switch” really does exist 🤞


Everyone is talking about XRP now 😮


This is going to age like a fine milk. The bias has been evident for years. XRP is the better Bitcoin.


since 2017😎 have collected 20,000