
Macro is the King of carry.  I am so accurate and so fast with mine. For such a small light gun it’s really amazing. I have a Wilson combat 365XL frame on mine to make it more concealable. Absolutely Love it. Unfortunately it’s sort of ruined my collecting because I have no serious interest in trying out other carry guns now. 🀣


The music is the real star of the show here...


LOVE!!!! Slow mo video shots. πŸ˜ŽπŸ€˜πŸ‘Œ


80s man cuz yeah!




Most sigs seem to have a high bore axis...give me a cz any day


I love my XMacro


Man, that romeom17 looks awesome! Also, learn how to control recoil /s.


It looks like the longer/heavier m17 slide had the most muzzle dip. Does that affect follow up shots/split times much?
It seems like it would, yet most competitors seem to prefer heavy 5" slides (g34, X5) vs their shorter 4" models with the same grip frame.


Genuine question: isn't the trigger guard separating from the support index finger a technique issue?