
Any species that could survive the extremely hot and dry conditions towards the center of the super-continent ranks as some of, if not THE toughest land animals to ever evolve.


I greatly appreciate that you don't use AI voicing. As advanced as people think it is they regularly screw up words and it causes me to shut it off. Your presentation is professional and to the point, well done all the way around. Thanks


I know it's an obvious idea to anyone watching this but I'm still amazed by the idea that our planet was dominated by these animals for millions and millions of years before we ever showed up


It's also crazy that the Coelacanth group persisted till today, basically tanking several mass extinctions.


5:57 Lmao That little guy running away is killing me 😂


3:58 Love, how Lystrosaurus runs into the "camera" 😄


I really like these type of videos. This one was great! I’d love to see more!


The only creature which was alive during Earth's first extinction level event, and to survive all 7 of Earth's extinction level events, is still with us today.  The Horseshoe Crab.


I wish we could send a drone or rover back in time and see these animals for real.Its always fascinated me since I was a kid that such large and interesting looking creatures existed.


Love your content. The fact that life is so complex to have evolved into many different species over so many unique iterations is nothing short of a miracle. There's something truly divine to find ourselves connected to such an ancient world


3:58 dude was keeping the promise, the cameraman never dies 😎


Genuinely amazing video :)


Endlessly fascinating. And we've barely scratched the surface, figuratively and literally.


Any animal that can live under mud for an extended period of time was the default winner.


Sharks existing before dinosaurs and trees always blows my mind 🤯


Imagine the creatures that existed which didn't fossilize, and so we have no idea about and never will... I bet there was some bizarre stuff..


What always amazes me is how our world is some sort of life-making machine. It seems like no matter how bad it gets life keeps coming back in some form.


Thanks for the climatic survey at the start, I watch a lot of paleology vids and I’ve never seen it so clearly explained. Mind boggling. A 60 degree day would kill most life forms today including us.


Gotta love that dinosaur that’s shaped like a Pop Tart at 11:55. You look in one direction and see a 20 story tall behemoth eating leaves off the tops of trees, look in the other direction and see a dinosaur that looks like it was drawn by a 5 year old on a Denny’s placemat.


Just had an ad for the new mad max movie, and then looked at the description of this vid to see a mad max reference 😂😂

6:58 Cant stop wheezing at this clip 🤣🤣