Poor Figure😢 Died😢😢😢
System: Figure was mangled by seek. Press like to pay respects.
Seek: selfie! thumbnail Seek: ah. It’s lovely.
i think figure would definetily have won that fight. even if hes blind, he will always sense when hes about to punch him because he has very good hearing. figure is able to litterally rip anyone to peices.
1 like = 1 respect for horror skunx ❤️
I expected seek and seeks eyes and seeks hands to be more ink like liquidy
Nice Work Horror Skunx keep up the good work
The video is very fantastic, what a great animation, seriously I do not regret seeing this wonderful and great channel 🌟
Bro seek is more scarier than in game
Doors players like this 👍
I am Sorry for not watching this video yesterday horror Skunx I watch it today
I think this would be a really good idea “cursed Thomas the tank engine VS choo choo Charles” I feel like it would be a really good fight battle
Bro figure is a entity like seek so figure and seek should be friends
Pls do more Roblox Doors, this videos are amazing🙏🙏🙏
Seek is my 2nd favorite entity + you only did seek and figure and their 3D entities how about you try to make like a 2D entity how about rush or ambush or eyes or maybe even dupe your choice I ain't stopping you
Never ever I thought Seek could be that realistic! Also I song about’ Alphabet Lore? You really are amazing!
Seek vs figure XD
Amazing Job once again! Phycological horror is always a fun thing to play around with, and you guys have mastered it perfectly! And the idea of seek being the big bad behind it all of this is brilliant, due to him being the first boss entity you encounter. And the VFX, GOD the designs and detail you’ve put into Seek and Figure is fantastic. A truly amazing job. Keep it up you amazing human beans! Merry Christmas to all, And to all, a good FRIGHT!
Use the crucifix my boy