
Greetings from the Czech republic! I like the special music instruments and their sound. I imagine King David who set up a tabernacle of praise and understood that a devoted heart to God is more than sacrifices and religious routine without substance... and he saw the Messiah who was to come.


Я христианка из России . Я люблю Израиль. Мир тебе Израиль.❤️


I'm a Christian and I love Israel.❤️💙💛💚.


I bless you in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus my Lord and Savior.


Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you all of Israel ✝️ 🇮🇱. Greeting from Indonesian Christians 🇮🇩🙏


Lord Jesus...pray to You to protect your very own Israel from every and any harm, Bless the people of Israel so that they may be the reason of Your praise world over. Praise You Lord Jesus and Father Almighty.


My life is saved by lord and savior christ. He saved my mother and daughter. Gift of God is eternal life




The Netherlands blesses Israel!!🇳🇱🇮🇱


I used to listen to this song almost every day for the past three years. The choir is lovely, and the music is wonderful. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless the nation of Israel and its beautiful worshipping people. Praise God! Arise and shine, for your light has come.

Love and prayers from Bengaluru, India


i am Indonesian, Jesus Christ, Adonai Elohim, Yeshua


My life is YESHUA from Burkina


KUMI ORI ISRAELI... Gadol Adonai, Israel is FOREVER!🇺🇸🕊🇮🇱


Yeshua is Light of the world. Love and blessings. From South Africa 👏🙌🙏🌹


Tuhan Yesus memberkati Israel. Dari Dari Keluarga A/I. Yeni Gaho, Hilitobara,  Telukdalam, Nias Selatan,  Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. 🙏🙏😀 I love Israel


Praise the Lord Jesus! God bless Israel!🇵🇭🇮🇱🇦🇹


This song is so relevant to the times we're in now. In His time, Yah will hasten the time of darkness and tribulation as mentioned in Joel 2, Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Revelation 6. He's coming so soon! It's important to accept Yeshua and repent!


Τι υπέροχος, ευλογημένος ύμνος!! Ο Κύριος Ιησούς Χριστός σας ευλογεί!! Αλληλούια!! ❤🙏🥀🌹χαιρετισμούς από  Ελλάδα!! 🇬🇷 στον ευλογημενο Ισραήλ!!


Shalom Brothers and Sisters .Bless the blood of Yeshua Land of Israel . Bless the blood of Yeshua Nation of Israel . Thank you God . From Italy .


May the peace of the Lord protect you Israel and all with in those walls. Love Israel. Shalom .🕊️🎺🎚️🇮🇱🕎✡️🙌🏼🙇🏼‍♀️🇵🇷🇺🇸