Two Jedi who both played the Joker... gotta accept the coolness in that.
I hope Mark realizes how much he means to all of the fans
Mark looks happier in this video than in all of the new trilogy ads stuff together
The guy basically did everything, every move. He deserves so much recognition. It's like acting in Avatar
I think this is the closest we will ever get to Cal seeing Luke
Honestly so cool to see Mark and Cameron hang out considering they've both played not only Jedi's, but also the Joker! IIRC Mark was very complimentary of Cameron's work on Gotham! ❤️
Don't know if Cameron or the devs will ever see this, but thank you for a truly fantastic game. There was obviously so much effort, emotion and detail put into this game and that's something that we all needed. You guys can't even imagine how much I (and I'm sure others) appreciate this game.
This is hands down the best Star Wars ad in history. So wholesome, hilarious, and amazing to watch the undeniably best Master and Apprentice chemistry between Mark Hamill and Cameron Monaghan. May the Force be with them, always.
"They never gave me two lightsabers" "I really don't need you to explain the force to me" Throwing pop-corn at Cal 😂😂 Just made my day😂😂
One of the things I like most about actors like Mark Hamill and Cameron Monaghan is that they doesn't take themselves too seriously.
0:53 I heard the pause noise, that's some nice attention to detail for a teaser trailer.
It is so sweet that Mark Hamill is teaching Cameron Monaghan!
Didn’t expect to see Cal and luke having a sweet master-disciple bond! And it's unexpectedly funny when Luke was jealous that Cal was given TWO lightsabers, that moment was pure comedic, hope to see more of their bonding soon.
This is so good. I think we need an actual movie with Cameron in it. He does so well in the game and looks like he would be a spectacular Jedi on film too.
0:40 Fun fact, Luke actually did have two lightsabers that he could use in combat. He had a shoto (short) lightsaber to counter Lumiya's Lightwhip
Honestly that was one of the most funniest and brilliant commercial for a game that I ever saw. I loved the dynamic between both actors and how passionate they are about their Jedi roles. Great job to Mark Hamill and Cameron Monaghan and the editors for making a wonderful commercial that Star Wars fans would love and appreciate. May the Force be with you, always.
It's great how they both were jedi and the Joker at some point in time, and Mark is giving him the best advice 😢 😮
"Youre not playing baseball" felt like a direct strike at the sequels there
Mark never disappoints!