It’s funny how Literally every single quint has defied the odds of being even relatively close to what was predicted of the design
I love how Flowah just joins the song out of nowhere for like, 5 seconds, and it sounds like he's whispering but is somehow the loudest monster on the island
2:57 this is when gnarls casted a spell that made everyone on amber island fall asleep
Gnarl's sound is amazing n all, but can we just appreciate their design for a second? Its so cool, and really has the vibe I'd expect from a plant quint.
The new quint sounds so astonishing and absolutely beautiful along with vivine
That last segment is beautiful
0:20 i just love the fact that viveine just gives more hype to this part before the first beat drop
Wow he sounds absolutely fantastic, and so does viveine. And a song extension too? And maybe even including more monsters’ sounds throughout the song? (mainly the beginning, if my ears weren’t deceiving me) Truly the best amber island update, and quite a fantastic way to end the island
Oh my Lord it sounds absolutely stunning that new verse gave me chills because of the PERFECT harmony it does. Omg so beautiful
"Depending on how you look at it, Gnarls are both bigger and smaller than any of the other Quint-Element Monsters. Bigger in the sense that each 'being' is actually comprised of multiple organisms instead of just one; and smaller because the Gnarls themselves are actually quite minuscule! Some might say they are little more than parasitic vines that attach themselves to a tree and coordinate to hijack the plant's latent motor functions. Then it's a simple matter of working together to 'animate' the tree's trunk and branches to give it a full range of motion. Each Gnarl operates the opposite side of the tree, and synchronously conjoin their tendrils to form a 'mouth' through which wind can blow to produce sound. Mercifully, the tree doesn't perceive this transformation as troublesome - instead, it delights in the opportunity to explore the Monster World and make music! Another mercy is that the Plant Top Boss's dual intelligences are satisfied to stick to one tree - no need to 'infect' anyone else." - Bio of Gnarls, the Plant Quint.
We’re all going crazy about Viveine and Gnarl, but let’s give some love to Rare PongPing. I think he’s really nice
Gnarls is just legendary Shrubb and I'm here for it.
I love how gnarls harmonizes with flum ox, its amazing and saved the entire song
gnarls design and sound is SOOO unique and beautiful!!!!! i’ve never seen such an original character like this, definitely best ending of the island
I’m actually really happy about this! A new monster with the edition of a Seasonal being on an island where you teleport eggs, AND BEST OF ALL, YOU CAN FINALLY HEAR PHANGLER!!!!!!
Man that last part makes me sad... I've been here before bowhead and loved every single update and hearing that last part it reminds us of how for we've been here and got to the final wave. It's been good yall.
awesome! I didn't even think that the new five-element would be so cool. I especially liked the final new part and I think it's only because of her that I'll fill it out
Gnarls, did you make amber island 100x better? Gnarls: 1:20
Imagine if they made all the quints do their parts for the final verse