
Mitten: i live for food tho.... so give me the fooooood!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


You’re new kitten got big❀❀❀❀😒😒😒


Ils sont tellement gentils πŸ₯°πŸ’•


Hi briddy happy birthday to your kitties


Your cats are all so beautiful! How long did it take them to get along with the new kitten?


The cutest ❀❀


No but the candles on that rug are sending me πŸ˜‚ and the knife jabbing next to the cats face. Please be careful πŸ˜…


Its my birthday on friday!!!


so cute!!!!


Yes, I want to see them in babies


two of our cats turned two on April 14th :D
it's also odd to see another cat named mittens but she looks like our other cat, Rusty (Orange tabby cat N Domestic short hair)


what breed are all the cats? I want to adopt a new cat that doesn't has very long fur but still flluffy


Great job.


omg so cute the entire video is so adorable


So cute πŸŽ‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Also Belated happy birthday catss


Yes… footage with their kitten energy would be awesome.


Awesome cat video briddy, love and meow from india.🐈❀️


Happy birthday. ❀ pet feeder


happy birthday to them!!


I would love to hear the story of you adopting them. Did u get them the same time?