
I’m really hoping that if we get a new AC game for the Switch 2, we can finally put a building, or furniture on a path, or place that is ACTUALLY CENTERED!!!


I’m sad because I can’t afford buying a whole new console😢


I would love for them to bring back the vibes from the older soundtracks. The music in City Folk and New Leaf are so nostalgic.


They need to make dyes a customizable materials and can use with clothes and can be customized either by Cyrus or with the workbenches


I would love for them to use the events mechanics from pocket camp and incorporate it to a full-on animal crossing game. Like taking the best of pocket camp to improve the interactivity in animal crossing.

 Something else I always dreamed about for animal crossing is for them to add like some exploration zones more than just an island or two. Going on an adventure/ quest to find items for your place. But maybe that's too much of a different gameplay. Like fae farm I guess. 

I'm so excited for new games from the animal crossing franchise! Thank you for the video I had a lot of fun speculating on new games!


Bob gang❤. I started playing again. I missed the ambience and music. Its so relaxing. Think my villagers said havent seen u in yr and 7 mons 😅. Never finish the art work. So there s a goal. Fall is always fun. Hope to hear more good new


Really hoping for anything AC really, a remake/port would be great but a full new game would be awesome! 😄


please add back villager personalities. Make mean villagers. It's so unrealistic for all of them to be nice,.


Bobs gang. Yes, it is hard waiting for an announcement of the next AC but hopefully will be worth it.


I want more animal crossing, new horizons was my first animal crossing game and now I have wild world and the original. I love this series and I hope a new animal crossing pushes the franchise to new heights. My current favorite us wild world and I can't wait for the next one!


I would love if they added drivable cars and bikes. With the cars, it can seat up to 4 villagers (including yourself) or you and your online friends


Bob's Gang!:_bobhi:


I hope they add back old animal crossing villagers from new leaf


Bob’s Gang 
I actually cannot wait for a brand new animal crossing game! However it’s getting to be a bit much to keep purchasing consoles just to play them. I know it’s all about making money, but  they need to have backwards compatibility for ANCH and they really need to consider updating older titles of AC to port to the newer console, and add content and /or offer DLCs. 
If we as AC fans are going to dish out this money for a new console, give us our money’s worth. I can remember getting the very first Nintendo console as a kid. It was 59.99.  Its successor SNES was 69-79. We are now at 300 to 500 dollars a pop! Chew on that lol.


What i want is an animal crossing style game, that is chill and relaxing, with open world, online, training levels like fishing, cooking and so on.


I would love for them to take the decorating system from happy home paradise and allow you to use it on your island or town i would also love it if there was more interactive things to do in game as once you complete all the nook miles ticket there isn’t much left to do in the game


Bob Gang. Hoping they will release the new animal crossing game with Switch 2. I would love to see more styles of furniture for this one, more tabletop items and the ability to add multiple items to table tops instead of one in each square.


Honestly if I want anything for the next Animal Crossing game, I really want an update on their UI. I want it to sort of be like Zelda’s Ui. Not completely though.

I also would like for materials to count as a sort of currency instead of items that take up your pockets. It makes things less annoying.


Bobs gang I hope they release animal crossing with the new console


if they make a new one i hope they give us a crazy amount of customization for are characters out the gate especially for curly and black hair styles