
The Process of Practicing Cinematography All By Yourself is now up on the channel showing you how I improve my cinematography skills!
Here is the video:


"Filmmaking is one of the most complicated and highest forms of art there is. " I cannot agree more.


8:57 "The one person you can always rely on is yourself" ... that hit deep :thanksdoc:


When I was a teenager (back in the 90s) all I wanted was to be a filmmaker. This continued until the early 2000s (before YouTube) and I had various cheap cameras, some of which were so big they mounted on my shoulder. But it never left. I want to make cinematic vlogs, not because I am extra important or think my life is interesting, but I just enjoy looking at life through that cinematic lens. It's not real, it's dream-like. But it's wonderful.


My major is screenwriting and i think visual thinking is very important for those who learn about film. Your video inspires me a lot. Thank you!


I have a s23 Ultra phone, and I intend to buy some lens to work with it and to improve my skills. I'm passionate about cinema since I was a child. I studied acting in college, but now I struggle to get hired in a production. It's a crazy business, and I felt like I'm nobody so many times, even with my wild big dreams reflecting the shots from the movies I've watched. Your video gives me strengh, Dylan, to frame myself and show all this feelings to the world insted of waiting for them to see me.


This was such generous teaching, especially to someone who is is new to all of this - thank you xx


Appreciate the nuts-and-bolts approach, and suggestions like 'just stay in one room' and sticking to movies for inspiration.  Thank you.


This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 9 months ago about self development. Now I have 1,668 subs and > 1k hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.


I agree with what you said about watching movies for cinemagraphic inspiration. For instance, I rewatched the movie joker yesterday and was flabbergasted by the cinematography.. The problem is movie cinematography is not easy to duplicate using smartphones and basic cameras


This is severely underrated. Masterpiece editing, lighting, color grading, wow!


learning 3d engines are an excellent way to practice it. as you try a lot of shots quicker than in real life. only downside is, it takes time to create and animate the models. but honestly if you're just practicing then it doesn't matter how detailed your scenes are, which increases the learning speed as well. personally i use blender and maya but i recommend blender for beginners. GOOD LUCK


I hope that's a good sign. With this video, time seemed to pass slowly. It felt longer compared to entertainment videos, but in a good way. Definitely was worth watching.


Tu no lo vas a creer pero mientras veía el video algo me decía “pero este pana parece dominicano” 🤣🤣🤣 mierda que duro!! Muy interesante bro!! 🔥🔥🔥 nuevo suscriptor!


The examples both from existing films and your own work were really helpful to see. You've got me thinking about how I can play around visually with the stories I want to tell. Thanks


this video is pure gold.


I am glad I found this today. I am starting a small business and all the advice about product filming and photography is so uncomfortable to me - bright, commercial etc. I like taking different forms of art and merging them together. It is a beautiful thing to play with and makes me feel that I can create stories and atmosphere around my business that is not cookie-cutter and draws from my interest in art and story-telling. Really appreciate this!


You are blessing for many people who wants to improve cinematography, lovely man, hats off ❤


5:55 some helpful advice I've also heard was watch movies that are bad at this as well - considered to have failed. It's helpful for gaining insight on common mistakes to avoid and to see the true nuance between good and bad


Ironic you say don't draw inspiration from youtube videos yet your whole video is a Gawx video. It doesn't matter where you get your inspo from. get wide shot inspo from travel cinematics, learn framing from interviews, get grading ideas from reels, learn macro shooting from food tutorials. Even Greg Freiser talked about how he gets ideas from youtubers