I always assumed that the "Penta" in Pentacerarops refered to the enlarged spikes on top of it's frill.
Nice, I feel like another creature you could have added was basilosaurus, since it wasn’t a dinosaur or a lizard, but a whale.
Me still trying to find out which dinosaur is thesaurus:
Nearly at 3k subs. Do you think we could get perhaps a list of your top 10 prehistoric animals and why as a special? Curious to see what your favs are
I mostly give paleontologists a break since they're out in the sun all day, doing back breaking work, and spending anywhere between a few days to possibly years just to get a fraction of a fossil. Having said that I do not extend that same courtesy for documentary directors. Remember it's called majungasaurus not majungatholus or whatever they called it.
you could have pointed out that proceratosaurus "horn", which was the reason it was similar to ceratosaurus wasnt a horn, but rather a long crest, similar to that of monolophosaurus (although obviously still very different from it) or guanlong
So Proceratosaurus should've instead been called something like Saurovenator(lizard hunter.)
Well, if you think about it, Proceratosaurus did live before Ceratosaurus, so it at least doesn't take that blunder
And of course, Oviraptor is the most well-known erroneously named dino.
Is there a Tuamatersaurus? There should be
4:44 = That's not a shoulder blade (scapula). It's a parascapular spine, a greatly enlarged osteoderm that rests against the actual shoulder blade. The name Gigantspinosaurus is awkward, but is not inaccurate.
Most misnamed extinct animal has to be Thalassodromeus.
Imagine Proceratosaurus lived after ceratosaurus.
you could've replaced gigantspinosaurus with 'rib of beef lizard'
You saying vegan got me thinking, many herbivorse today consume meat in very small portions. Cows are known to eat baby chickens, so is it possible that sauropods sometimes ate small dinos? It's something interesting to think about
5:45. You mean “not a primitive ceratosaur”.