My brand new portable monitor had a 1 pixel wide full screen vertical line of dead pixels right down the middle, from the moment I opened the box. After 15 minutes of this video, it was stilll there and I gave up hope. I went to the store. When I came back after 45 minutes, the line is completely gone now! AMAZING!!
Noticed one day that I had a massive screen burn from having Telegram open in one place for too long. Ran this for 2 hours and it completely removed it. Definitely going to be turning on dark mode from now on. Thanks!
Thank you very much. It worked . After playing the same game for 2 hours I realized that I have new screen burnins and then found your video , played it for half an hour and totally fixed all burnins .
For anyone dealing with image burn from New World, this fixed it really quick for me 👍👍👍
this worked on my 4K monitor after getting a clear diagonal line burned into it. Left it running on loop for like 7 hours. Thanks so much!
this was a lifesaver after turning on Mario and Luigi superstar saga music with a blaring white background with a logo
Got screen burn after leaving MW2 open on the main screen for no more than thirty minutes. Ran this for 3 hours and it cleared it up completely. Thanks! I was worried I'd have to purchase a new monitor.
This works 👍👍. Thank you very much! Had a small black spot on the right side of my OLED monitor of about 2-3mm, and it disappeared after about 30 mins of running this. 🙌🙌
I can watch this all day.
Showed this to my brother on 2x speed, seems like he is dancing on the floor :D
Trying this now on a 55" LG oledB7V with massive burn-in (on red pixels). Nothing to lose, before I throw it away :) You could have added some chillout music or something :D
OMG This worked for my XPG X15 laptop! I'm impressed, nothing did it until now. Thank you so much!
Turned my screen on today and had massive vertical bands and lines, but no image. Even the on screen menu didn't work. I thought it was completely broken. Eventually I turned the screen off and on and the image was back, but the burn from the bands was crazy (Even though it is an IPS screen). Something was probabl overdriving my pixels like mad. Running this for 15 minutes completely fixed it.
Thanks, it fixed mine. I had a headache when image retention occurred in my screen. Edit: I set this to my screen for about 30 minutes, and it fixed my screen's image retention issue.
Is it work for picture pixels plzz because i have iphone xr and its picture quality burst when i zoom in
have ran this for 2+ hours and doesn't seem to be working, ive paired it with other methods (tapping the screen and stuff) and its not working, any reccomendations? its like one stuck red pixel
does this work on Lenovo laptops?
Is it effective for those stupid vertical lines on the screen (led tv)
Yep, in 15-20 minutes the burn-in was reduced to a point where we weren't sure if the Arenasport logo is still actually embossed on the screen or just in our heads.