
About the first one:
My mom played Animal Crossing: Wild World while she was pregnant with me and still plays the franchise to this day. Nobody is ever too old for AC


My 35 year old mom plays animal crossing like there’s no such thing as “too old for ACNH”😂😂


The third one is SOOOO relatable!!!😂




The second one is actually relatable, see that cute little staircase in the HHP archipelago? TOO BAD! want those sticks in that pond? TOO BAD! Tall trees close to buildings and cliffs? TOOOO BAD!


Omg the last one is so relatable! I found Stitches on first ticket


tbh the 3rd is one is so relatable and the last!


It’s a wholesome game really good to play alone.


All of these are perfect honey 😁


NEVER too old to play acnh


The last one is literally me though

I managed to get frickin SHINO on the 3rd nook mile ticket i used. THIRD. I wasn't even looking for her! I was looking for Agent S 😂


The third one: is so relate able


These are all so relatable btw I love your videos 💖


I’m never to old to play animal crossing 🤨


The last one is soo true!!!!
I got my dreamies fauna and dotty first try!!!


The fact that my mom and I are watching mean girls


Just started my third island. I love it!


"Aren't you too old for Animal Crossing?"
Well aren't YOU too old to care?

Nah fr, they're just too old to breathe.


The rabbit one that's so real lol


Me getting my Nintendo from my big sister 

Me: omg sis THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤❤❤

MY SIS: you’re welcome I know you always wanted animal crossing nh 

My mom:😦 oh kiddo, with this distraction you won’t do your chores, and when your older your not going to think like a kid anymore, you’re going to be all grown up, those things are for kids 🙄

Me: yeah alright mom

Me in my brain: oh heck no animal crossing is FOREVER. I’m going to have an animal crossing bedroom and I’m gonna still love it I ain’t going to abandon my cinnamon island and kid cat,Frita,Simon,Audie and Lucy or my beautiful house