That’s true but what if it’s management that are the bullies? They won’t want to change the culture that allows them to engage in their toxic behaviors (before I was a nurse, I worked in academia, where the problem was also with leadership). Do we just quit the job then?
Sending love.❤
This is kind of infuriating, because you are treating the problem as if it is an interpersonal issue. These are often organizational problems, and if its usually rewarded. Workplace bullying is often manipulative, and it is for an organizational purpose, usually to keep costs low, or increase profits. If you have too honest of a conversation with your boss, you are probably going to be lied to and possibly targeted. Is it really because your boss is a bad guy? Not always. But their incentives are going to be different, and usually keeping a tight budget is what they are evaluated on. They will favor a more efficient nurse who sacrifices safety over the more safe nurse who is necessarily slower, at least until there is the threat of a lawsuit, at which point the previously favored nurse will be thrown under the bus. This cycle happens over and over again, and is profitable for these healthcare companies. Or replace safety above with empathy. A lot of the problems with the nursing profession is that more empathetic nurses have been driven out of the profession. It's hard to have a conversation about workplace bullying among nurses, because the nurses that remain practically see empathy as a character defect, as being fragile or easily rattled. This is because having low empathy has been successful for them, in this industry. There are empathetic nurses out there, they just haven't yet been exposed to enough cycles of organizational abuse. A lot of them end up with compassion fatigue, which also results in low empathy. In healthy organizations, usually problems like bullying or toxic behavior work themselves out with time, perhaps with some of the methods you will suggest. But that doesn't work for toxic organizations, and the problem is that toxic organizations can be highly functional, especially from the standpoint of investors and corporate leadership.