
"The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man".  Huey P. Newton


Awesome, now let's all get out there and Write Some Stories.


I was a dedicated pacifist as a teenager, but it was a long time ago and Putin was in only his second presidency then. Living in Russia today, I see no opportunities for a big change other than a third revolution. Make no mistake, I'm not excited for it. When your future is either more senile dictators or a bloodbath, it's fucking scary and depressing.
P.S. I really appreciate not only the content, but the style of your videos. Your choice of visuals is creative and very expressive, and I especially love that you use various art.


This is gonna be so useful for my story! :D

Also, a good alternative to the word "delusion" is "self-deception", as it might be a feature of certain mental health conditions


On the Indian independence movement, the most significant violent resistance was the 1946 Naval Revolt.  It was actively condemned by Gandhi and the INC (as well as by members of the Muslim League), but it was a major factor in convincing the British to leave India, as they feared the possibility of even stronger violent resistance.


Framing this as writing advice is what one might call a "pro gamer move"


vital to worldbuilding, thank you for the inspiration on my next DnD campaign!

Gee I sure do I love roleplaying!


"States aren't ruled by public opinion.  Public opinion, by and large is ruled by states".  Wow.


~15:30 I'm reminded of a quote I read in a story a friend of mine wrote where one of the side characters told a lib "Love can't trump hate without action." Gah. That was a zinger, lemme tell ya' what.


I always worry I'll come across as a pacifist because I know that that kind of direct action isn't in my skillset. I recognize that it's a useful tool for liberation, but it's not one I can use. I'm more of a support class than a fighter, to lean on DnD-isms. But when I bring up that I choose to focus on the softer side of revolution, I feel like that can often come across as "we should /all/ focus on the softer side of revolution." That's the area where more of my knowledge and skills are concentrated, so when I talk to people about revolutionary strategies I always emphasize stuff about like skill sharing and sustainable community food sources and stuff because that's what I know how to talk about. I don't mean to be dismissive of violent tactics, but I'm still learning how to not sound like I am, ya know?

(This isn't meant to be me asking for somebody to tell me i'm a good little anarchist, just sharing my thoughts on the topic for that sweet sweet Engagement)

[edited to change language for clarity]


I came for the liberation, but stayed for the Bill Wurtz, and world building. =D


The expression goes "speak softly with a big stick" you won't be listened to by your oppressors if they think you have no power.


Damn I'm always so thankful for vids like this ... it makes me feel bad that I dont have the funds to support you on patreon but I'll continue liking/ commenting/sharing for now


"How Nonviolence Protects The State" really opened my mind.  Great video!


While I already accepted violence as an absolute last resort for the revolutionaries in my story, your video has me rethinking my worldbuilding, thanks. I don't think my main character will feel comfortable using it himself, but maybe I'll write him differently in later installments. 

I do still believe that misplaced violence can definitely hurt movements though. Vandalizing and looting small businesses can make life worse for the people in the neigborhood who relied on them for employment, daily shopping or even the petit bourgeoisie owner (as i think petit bourgeoisie is sometimes sympathetic to working class struggle) and has no benefit, unlike violence against oppressors. But like you expressed in this video, so can misplaced non-violence.

Again, thanks for the writing tips :)


I needed to hear this, as a writer.


in german the term for violence ("gewalt") is also used for power / authority, for example in "staatsgewalt" which means state authority


Thank you for the video. As a non-native speaker of English, there are bits in the video I didn't understand because you were talking too fast for my level of language skill. But thanks for the closed captions, they were immensely helpful!


Either I am actually smarter than I think or this kind of messaging has finally been simplified enough for someone as dumb as me to finally see the inherent systemic abuse of all human life that do not count in the eyes of those who create the class/patriarchal/racist gap. I’m happy with either because of the latter is true, then that means there’s hope.


On top of providing solid advice for my series, this video has such a relaxed vibe that it calmed me down enough to deeply contemplate some familiar ideas. Underrated!