
I am from the Akan tribe of Ghana and we also have a story of the nagas in our culture! Very Cool


Read the introduction to Nagarjuna's( A Buddhist Abbot of Nalanda University: 2cnd Century A.D) 72 Stanzas on emptiness and his encounter with two Nagas disguised in human form.


Thank you for this very informative video! This has helped me to understand so many unanswered questions that i have had as well as brought comfort in things that i have seen and experienced through the years.


they are far older than the Sumerian kings which are the newer gods but hey may have belonged to the elder gods where root was in India kilash area. Most of these documentaries have great information but ultimately misaligned. The first step is to put a timeline and gather source data and then examine that source data. When you see how it unfolds you will know things that will put our history in another context


Well I know what ill be drifting off to sleep listening to and dreaming of the next few nights...


The Naga people are believed by some to be an ancient tribe who once inhabited Sri Lanka and various parts of Southern India. There are references to Nagas in several ancient texts such as Mahavamsa, Manimekalai, Mahabharata and also in other Sanskrit and Pali literature. Certain places such as Nagadeepa in Jaffna and Kalyani in Gampaha are mentioned as their abodes. The names of some Naga kings in Sri Lankan legends such as Mani Akkhitha (Mani Naga) and Mahodara are also found in Sanskrit literature among superhuman Nagas, and the cult of Mani Naga prevailed in India up to medieval times.

Early kings of Anuradapura kingdom in Sri lanka were tamil speaking Nagas who were budhist. Budhism was a major religon the Nagas assimilated to in both Sri lanka / india.

The Jaffna Peninsula was mentioned in Tamil literature as Naka Nadu, in Pali literature as Nagadeepa and in Greek gazetteer as Nagadiba. The name Nagabhumi was also found on a Brahmi-inscribed coin from Uduthurai, Jaffna and in a Tamil inscription from Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu referring to the Jaffna peninsula.


I’m Cambodian. The Nagas are in our legends ❤️


The Truth is Stranger than fiction  ...


Kashmir also had Nagas as the original inhabitants, as per the Nilamata Purana. To this day, all the natural springs of water are named after them, the most famous one being Anantnag, which is incidentally also the name of the second most important district of Kashmir.


Wow, very very good I’ve been seeking this knowledge and trying to piece things together, just wow


Me and my Nagas have met plenty of snakes .... in the hood and on our streets


Interesting but i think this would have been better as a series. I found myself looking at the images. Much of which didn't seem to go with what you were talking about.
I had to stop watching & just listened. Like it was a podcast.
 To much information to take in at one time. I will have to listen to it again. And to do so in about 20 minute. At a time. 
By the time it was finished. I couldn't remember everything that was said about the nagas. So I will have to make it a series myself😄


The head dress in the thumbnail reminds me of Egyptian Pharaohs, who had the cobra extending out of their third eye.


Would love to check out India sometime.  That, and Egypt.  Bucket list stuff.


So Crazy They wont mention Africa. . .absolutely insane, it is this one sided narrow understanding of the topic they speak of is astounding. Every Civilizaition, almost all have had Serpent Worship. Africa probably has the oldest evidence of Serpent worship than any in Botswana. I wont even bother to put the sources and references, ignorance is bliss you go that way i go this way 70Kya.


THIS. Hope, many people around the world watch this.🙌🏽✨🙌🏽


India defiantly has more wonders than the supposedly 7wonders of the world.


This is a very important video! It holds much truth!


Parsvanatha is the  Jain Tirthankar who is always depicted with a naga's hood over his head. Yaksha Dharenendra and Yakshi Padmavati, two Yakshas, are frequently seen flanking him. The snake, the chaitya tree-dhava, the Yaksha-Matang, the Yakshani-Kushmadi, and other symbols are essential to Parshwanath


The concept of one being a dragon or serpentine doesn't necessarily mean the being was a reptilian. Dragon/serpent also means having clear sight or an awakened third eye, representing enlightenment and illumination into divine wisdom knowledge.