
Funny that, I’m Palestinian Christian from Haifa, some guys turned up at my grandads house and kicked the family out, saying that their religion ensures them this is is their house.  I been trying to to go back and at least visit, but I’m not allowed, and now they telling us we’re from Saudi or some crap 

Go figure


DNA test....?


umm he failed to mention the Spanish inquisition  was both against muslim and jew


You are fabricated history of Spain you said only Jewish people are suffering you forget about Muslim too are suffering as well


Serious question… When going over the history of Jewish migration after the destruction of the temple. If the Jews were escaping persecution from Rome why would they flee towards their oppressor’s by going to Europe instead of fleeing into Africa or further into Asia, away from the Roman Empire. That just doesn’t make sense.


You forgot to mention how Abraham was born in Mesopotamia, and migrated to Canaan (Palestine) allegedly because God told him that all of this land which is inhabited by the Canaanites (Levantines, mostly modern-day Palestinians), that it is to be yours. So wars were waged between them and eventually King David took over the Canaanite city that is called today Jerusalem. So what does this tell us? Jews are originally at the very earliest, from Mesopotamia.


It is evident from observing these videos that Ashkenazi Jews from Europe receive significantly more attention and more exposure compared to Mizrahi Jews from the Middle East. It is unfortunate that the descendants of the Jews who settled in the Middle East, who are geographically closer to the Promised Land, do not receive the attention they rightfully deserve. hope next vids they post more length vids on Mizrahi Jews.


My great grandparents fled from what is now Poland and Belarus. Lines changed a lot during that time. And I grew up with a Jewish grandfather and extended cousins, great uncles/aunts etc. I was always curious about the history and understanding more. I am proud of my unique heritage, and that's also why I've begun my journey to fully convert. This was so informative, and I thank you for sharing your family history.


Literally a bunch of Europeans and Americans claiming because their 800th grandparents were from Israel it’s their right to the land 😂 by that definition I’m owed a lot of land 🤬


You have a connection to Tirat Tsvi! I lived there in the 80s.


Go even deeper!  You have not even scratched the surface yet!!!!


What a diversity of a family tree, I freaking love it. At least one can say that not all Jews left Israel even during the destruction of the temple. I descend from the Ha-Levi and Beneviste who was a brother of Nahmanides, so my tio was the famous Ramban and my family are conversos. This split the family actually so some distant relatives are jewish and others Christian. The inquisition and the pogroms of Spain left such a fractured ancestry of the Sephardics who lived there and its just really sad. My ancestors for whatever reason chose to stay and convert. But if not for them I wouldn't be here and my family wouldn't be. I still appreciate my ancestry though and admire their resilience despite what was thrown at them. Jewish people are some of these most resilient people I have ever seen and that is something I really admire.


We Cricket lovers know about Guyana, they and other islands play as one team that is West Indies. Ivanhoe Mordecai Barrow, to give him his full name, made 105 at Old Trafford when the West Indies toured England in 1933 — not only the first and only Jewish centurion but the first cricketer to reach three figures for the West Indies overseas. So cheers.


Well presented.  I'm from USA, parents/grandparents, great-grandparents  from Iraq, Italy, Spain, Marocco, Egypt and Israel.


I have been wondering about your family history every time I see one of your videos. Thank you, Yirmiyahu, for explaining it. :) Your fresh style and the openness with which you report is awesome.


Zoroastrianism is one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions, having originated in ancient Persia. It contains both monotheistic and dualistic elements, and many scholars believe Zoroastrianism influenced the belief systems of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I am Muslim.


i'm a little confused tho, what is your dad's race? There's 6 main racial groups in Guyana. which one are you a descendant of? Also, if you're Jewish, do you care for your Guyanese identity? Did you abandon it? To my knowledge the British did offer Guyana to the Jews as a potential homeland for all Jews back when it was a British Colony. Jews visited to see if they'd like it, but they turned it down b/c they considered it to be "uninhabitable" due to the vast rainforest (80% of Guyana is made of the Amazon rainforest).  Then WW2 started where Jews were persecuted where Jews were forced to stop looking for a homeland. The only Jews that came to Guyana were the ones that came to exploit our gold and diamond industry.  These Jewish settlers only came to exploit Guyana's natural resources.

i am Guyanese


The beauty of social media is that any story can gets some attention….is anyone asking how the Jews were exiled to go live with German “barbarians”, very questionable….. also can the presenter look up implicit bias!!!


Deuteronomy 28:64 (NIV):

"Then the Lord will scatter you among all nations, from one end of the earth to the other. There you will worship other gods—gods of wood and stone, which neither you nor your ancestors have known."

This verse is part of a larger passage in Deuteronomy 28, which outlines the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience. The dispersion of the Israelites among the nations is one of the curses for turning away from God.


Why is the Western world involved if this is a purely Middle Eastern issue?