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As a competitive shooter myself, with close to 100 Different firearms, including now three aliens I will say that once again, you have knocked it out of the park, and that your reviews are like none other in terms of their accuracy and entertainment.

As importantly, I would say to anyone reading these comments, and watching your reviews that you are one of a few people that merit 100% trust, and I as well as many other competitive shooters, appreciate it and have come to rely on your opinions. 

As for CELO, mine just came into my FFL and I have yet to shoot it let alone compete with it, but I can’t wait.

Your comment about the viscosity of the lube is not to be underestimated as denser oil will cause the slides to gum up and become sluggish. It would be interesting to have you do an entire video on cleaning tools and oils, etc. I feel like there’s a lot of misunderstanding in that regard.


I feel so much more financially responsible with my firearms purchases after watching this video, thank you.


The Swiss flag joke gets you a “like”.  Also that muzzle flip (or lack thereof) is pretty amazing.


Best Alien Creator video out there. I was able to shoot the original, and the recoil impulse was interesting. Definitely a fun and unique experience. The market is flooded with guns that are similar to each other,  which are only separated by minor differences. Cool to see something completely different, even if it is out of reach for most people. Look forward to the follow-up.


Thanks for the information. Unique pistol for sure and this might be the first fairly thorough look-see yet. As strange and different looking it is, I kinda like it. 😎


Yeah! Gunmag warehouse is fantastic. They have exceptional deals from time to time, that's how I've got 20+ MKIV Ruger mags for $11 each shipped.


I have shot the creator evolution quite a bit as one of my friends has one. I have had  a CELO now for all of 5 days. Serial # 9. My LGS is a big Laugo dealer and he received 10 of them. I took the lowest serial number. I shot it on paper the first day to dial in the optic and I shot it for a few hours yesterday on the steel range next to my ported Atlas Athena and my Erebus. I agree with everything you said.

I prefer the CELO over the regular evolution because you can rack off the optic. I have already adjusted the thumb rest.  It’s manual of arms is slightly different from a 2011 It is far more capable than I am. I am not in the least bit regretful that I bought this gun.  It’s not for everyone and it certainly doesn’t negate the need for a good 2011, but it is amazing and considering that the creator evolution limited edition costs over $7000, it’s a pretty good bargain for what it is.


My first handgun was a HK P7 and it works exactly like the Alien, except that the recoil spring is around the barrel and the piston is under it. It also gets hot after about 2 or 3 mags in rapid succession, but they have a plastic heat shield above the trigger area so it doesn't get uncomfortably hot until about 5 or 6 mags. Laugo so do this too! For the price maybe they can use a TUFI ceramic (aka Space Shuttle Heat Shield tile material)


To everyone complaining about price, you can find new first edition Aliens, with the basic kit, for under $4k regularly on GB. Laugo needs to hurry up and release the basic kit for the Evolution. It's kinda annoying that they've followed an Apple/Porsche tactic of releasing expensive limited editions in small quantities. Understandable at first while you're ramping up production of the new SKU but it's time fellas. You release a basic kit of the Evolution, with two mags and an optic plate with a $4XXX price tag and this becomes a real option for the masses. Spend a year dicking around with $6-7K limited editions and no one will care when the basic kit actually becomes available. Love the innovation contained in the pistol, not liking the current business model.


Does anyone know how long it takes to get hearing aids repaired? I turned mine in 2 weeks ago, and haven't heard a thing since.




After 2000 rounds, you have to replace the recoil spring.  I've owned one and competed with it for a few years.


Humility is a valid defence in these times (laughter is medicine in every time).  😅😊


liked the video for the early onset dad jokes. the celo joke was worht the like in itself. i bet that gun gets hot as hell.


Thanks for showing one of these mythical beasts outside of gunfluencer captivity. Its not the first to use gas delayed blowback for its operating mechanism by far, a bunch of very early self loaders did and more recently the most well known was the H&K P7 series, but it does bring a lot more modern features to a gas delayed blowback system in a gun oriented entirely towards sport shooting.

I reckon you would have placed better if you kept the dad shorts for the whole match.


Glad to see some innovation in handgun designs.  Maybe the bore access will trickle down to affordable guns.


I love gunmag warehouse. Love kci mags. I got a 2011 mag there too.


Been waiting for this one!


Bastards pretty much abandoned original Alien.  I'd need retro kit to make mine LO legal and abandon the magwell ,because new mag pads don't fit the old one.  Although great gun , it doesn't do anything in my book ,good 2011 won't do. BTW , mine is for sale 😅