Poor things can’t breathe properly :( Edit: fun fact for y’all they are working on breeding pugs back to their normal selves it’s called “retro pug” Look it up!!
“help me I can’t breathe” “Lol stop snoring silly dog”
I had a pug… His name was Jeff, he went across the bridge two years ago on 9 August… It was a joy to have around
I did Pug rescue for several years. I had more than 200 pugs come through my house, only a few actually snored. They are lovely dogs.
"I can't breathe properly please help me" "Your snoring is annoying me, stop."
My first Pug Carlitos lasted 14.5 happy years. May he rest in peace. My second Pug Coquito will be 11 years April 18, 2023 and June 20, 2023 we would have been together 11 years. I love him to death!
“Have a tendency to wheeze and snort” my guy, they literally cannot breathe properly. These dogs stay awake when intubated because they PREFER to have a straw stuck down their throat, because the annoyance of the straw is minute compared to the agony of struggling to breathe. You really should show support to the organisations attempting to ban the breeding of pugs.
if u want a pug that can breathe properly u should get a retro pug :)
“ how would this dog ever survive in the wild?” Meets pug “ I would guard this with my life in the wild”
Please dont get them from pure breeders. They are prone to have trouble breathing and often live their whole life in agony. Edit: a whole year later and people are still coping that "theirs are fine"... I mean have you ever looked at a wolf? You guys know that pugs were once wolfes? How many genedefects do you think it took for a wolf to look like a pug? I mean imagine you would breed humans with dwarfism how messed up is that? And if this is still not enoug go and google what a pug skull looks like and tell me again that they are "fine"
Man you can almost tell they’re purposely avoiding the elephant in the room about pugs when they mention the snoring and their unique appearance
My fondness for pugs began as a child after I watched Milo and Otis. They are so sweet.
"easy to take care of" Keep talking when the vet bills kick in.
Yes, that's true pugs are AMAZING but you should mention as well that they shed a lot you need to take good care of cleaning their wrinkles. They are prone to some health issues not serious ones like ear infection, eyes issues as well etc... And sometimes more complicated ones like pug myelopathy. And you should be prepared to spend a lot in vet bills.
My pug is my best friend. Even when I've had one of the shittiest days ever, he manages to put a smile on my face. I can't imagine life without him now.
My grandparents have two. They’re the best, and actually saved my grandpas life when he retired and was at home alone all day
Pugs should not be advertised as good pets. They are a classic example of excessive inbreeding and should not continue as a popular breed of dog. An alternative for shopping for pugs is rescuing one if you really want one, but do not support the people who still breed them. Simultaneously, dogs like French or English bulldogs have similar problems with their genetic health so the same goes for them as well.
“Make sure u keep them cold in the summer” dog falls in the back rooms*
I think you forgot the “they can’t breathe properly and are constantly suffering due to their skull shape” part